
Postlister 1.16

After more than a year, there is now a new version of Postlister available, dubbed version 1.16 in an effort to continue with the original version scheme. This version adds several new languages as well as a few new features and bugfixes.

Because Postlister is a stable project, development tends to be laid back, but if you have new features you would like to add or encounter any bugs, please send in any patches and they will be reviewed for inclusion into the main distribution. We are also in need of translators to update some of the language files, if your interested take a look at the english.php file for additions.

On a final note, Postlister should still be php3 compatible. For the next release I hope to make Postlister xhtml 1.0 compatible, but I think that will be the last php3 compatible version. Given the changes in the newer php4 releases, I think it would be wise to do some updating to the back end code to make it more modern. This would also pave the way to use some of the new features available in php4 that would help us out. I'm sure it wont happen right away, but when it does expect that to be the basis of Postlister 2.0

Thanks to everyone for their contributions!

Robert Treat

Posted by Robert Treat 2002-09-07

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