

Christian Boltz

Plugins extend the functionality of PostfixAdmin or integrate PostfixAdmin in other software.

Native Plugins

Vacation Plugin

If the Vacation Plugin is enabled, it sends automatically a response to the author of an email.
For more information e.g Setup and Configuration see the documentation in the VIRTUAL_VACATION directory.

Fetchmail Plugin

If the Fetchmail Plugin is enabled, it fetches automatically mails from a POP3 Mailbox.
For more information see here: (TODO)

Squirrelmail Plugin

The Squirrelmail Plugin integrates the open-source webmail client Squirrelmail with Postfixadmin.
See ADDITIONS/squirrelmail-plugin/

3rd Party Plugins

RoundCube Plugin

For now it seems the RoundCube Plugin is dead. Since Jan. '09 no-one has published Updates.
If you want to use it anyway see here:


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