
Installation issues

  • Chris

    Chris - 2008-10-01

    Hi - I've finally got the server to run error free, everything seems to be as it should but the server won't respond on the port that I've configured.

    I have tested it on the local machine and that can work, but I am trying to install on a server without any gui. Any ideas where one can configure this?

    There is no firewall on and all ports are open.



    • Peerbuccoss shameem

      Hi Chris,

      Have you check that there Adempiere Server started properly with no errors. I suppose that it should not be an issue if you have install the Adempiere on a server with no GUI provided that all installation have been done accordingly.

      If there any log for any errors, you can post it so that we can further help you to get Posterita POS working.

      Best Regards,

    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-10

      Hi Shameem,

      As a test I booted up a Amazon EC2 image, went through my (now highly refined!) installation process, and remote desktop'd to the server. Browsing locally from the server to I can access the application no problem at all.

      However accessing it remotely at the servers public IP address I get connection refused, even though there should be no firewalls or anything set up.

      My linux knowledge is competent but not great, I do not know whether the config only allows connections from the local machine or whether something else is preventing it from connecting.


      For anyone else looking to install on Amazon EC2 (or any Ubuntu 8.04 server with base install) these are the exact steps I follow and it works every time....I can expand this out into a full step by step once you guys get the wiki and site back up.

      check sources, add multiverse
      apt-get update
      apt-get install unzip
      apt-get install postgresql-8.2
      sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk

      export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
      export ADEMPIERE_HOME=/path/to/Adempiere

      unzip Posterita173


      passwd postgres

      wget (for 32 bit systems)
      wget (for 64 bit systems)

      mkdir /opt/pljava
      unzip -d /opt/pljava  OR tar -zxvf pljava.tar in /opt/pljava

        dynamic_library_path = '\$libdir:/opt/pljava'
        custom_variable_classes = 'pljava'
        pljava.classpath = '/opt/pljava/pljava.jar'
      to /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/postgresql.conf

      to /etc/

      nano /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf
      comment out all config
      # CAUTION: Configuring the system for local "trust" authentication allows
      # any local user to connect as any PostgreSQL user, including the database
      # superuser. If you do not trust all your local users, use another
      # authentication method.
      # TYPE  DATABASE    USER        CIDR-ADDRESS          METHOD
      # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
      local   all         all                               trust
      # IPv4 local connections:
      host    all         all          trust
      # IPv6 local connections:
      host    all         all         ::1/128               trust
      host all all {Set your IP}/32 trust

      you must add the IP address of the server to this file or the setup script run later will fail? (not fully comprehending this step...picked up from adempiere wiki).

      nano /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/postgresql.conf
      Look for listen_addresses and uncomment it i.e. remove the # and replace localhost by a *


      /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 restart

      su – postgres
      createuser -P -E -d adempiere (set password as adempiere)
      createdb -E UTF8 -O adempiere adempiere


      cp /home/user/Adempiere/lib/postgresql.jar /opt/pljava
      cd /opt/pljava

      java -cp postgresql.jar:pljava.jar:deploy.jar org.postgresql.pljava.deploy.Deployer -database adempiere -user adempiere -password adempiere -install

      if you get errors, run
      ldd and see what error is

      su - postgres
      psql -d adempiere </path/to/Adempiere/data/Adempiere_pg.dmp


      EDIT and fill in all fields that you can, including the CN, OU etc for the certificate. Save file as



      must have ports 5432, 1099, 80, 443 open (or equivalent ports as per your configuration changes)

      NEED TO configure so can access from another network or internet.....

    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-11

      Akos - that page doesn't help, is there anything that that resolves my problem? I've read that page before but am still unable to see the fix. It is, like most of the wiki, incomplete so I've had to piece together the installation process from many sources.



    • Ra'id Al-Jamali

      Ra'id Al-Jamali - 2008-10-11


      Try it with App Server Web Port 8080.

      If you ran it with a GUI installer (instead of silent), you'd see the error messages in the console. 8080 works, 80 doesn't. To do so, you only need a couple of extra steps in addition to those previously listed:

      1. As root in your remote shell:
      apt-get install xterm xauth libxi6 libxtst6

      2. run after connecting to your EC2 instance with X11 forwarding. From a local shell:
      ssh -X adempiere@YOUR-EC2-PUBLIC-DNS-NAME

      Hope this helps. My notes are also getting "refined"!



    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-11

      Thanks Ra'id - I'll give it a go tomorrow.

      I should also clarify these lines for anyone reading this in the future...

      to /etc/

      Change the i386 to amd64 or other as appropriate for your servers architecture if you are using 64 bit, i386 is for 32 bit.

    • fredtsang

      fredtsang - 2008-10-11

      Hi guys,

      If you managed to do a clean install, We are going to use the wiki provided by sourceforge to improve the documentation for Posterita.

      I'd be very happy if you could post something on the wiki.



    • Ra'id Al-Jamali

      Ra'id Al-Jamali - 2008-10-11


      With pleasure.

      For now it's focused on 32-bit, but it serves as a base. Chris, it's all yours if you wish to extend with your experiences.

      I'm using java-6 and PostgreSQL 8.3.



    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-25

      nearly there....still not able to access from outside the server, and Ra'id - when following your instructions I get a java error when installing the PLjava.

      For the developers - I will gladly contribute to the project in the form of documentation if you can help with this issue (which I realise is likely just a server configuration problem and nothing to do with posterita), and pass me some information. There is just no way someone new to this can pick this software up at the moment, which is a shame as it is excellent.

      I see work is progressing on, which looks good.


    • Ra'id Al-Jamali

      Ra'id Al-Jamali - 2008-10-25

      In my instructions, the specific PLJava URL refers to a version built against Postgresql 8.3 on i386. Probably worthwhile replacing the download link with one you're sure is correct for your environment. I've fallen into that trap before!

      Since my previous message, I managed to get Xen up and running locally. My interest in EC2 was purely to steer through the installation maze with the help of a clean sandbox. With Xen, I ran through the same steps in a debootstraped Ubuntu 8.04 VM and it's working well.

      Strictly speaking, your install procedure does work. At least you were able to see the welcome page by remote login. Again, check you're using a permissible/open port. I found that silent setup can be too silent. It continued to built Jars even after complaining that my DB parameters don't work!


    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-26

      Thanks Ra'id  - I have tried using several ports, I set it to 8080 and 8443 as suggested for the web ports. I can see that it is working when using the remote desktop, but I can't figure out why it would not respond on port 8080 if there is no firewall configured.

      The only other thing I can think of is that the web server is configured to not accept connections from machines other than the localhost. Bit stuck!! There must be something simple I am missing.....

      When using your procedure I used the same versions and followed the instructions exactly, I will go through it again in a minute and see how it goes.



    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-26

      I think I've narrowed down the problem.

      The ports are open, but an nmap scan is suggesting that there is no service listening on the web port which I have set to 8080. There is - but it is not accepting connections from outside. I can connect on the port configured for postgres though.

      I think that this line;

      04:22:00,875 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-

      Needs to read

      04:22:00,875 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080

      Which would make sense given that it works from the local machine.

      Does anyone have any ideas where this is configured???

    • Ra'id Al-Jamali

      Ra'id Al-Jamali - 2008-10-26

      One more thing. Do your EC2 settings allow public access to the requested ports?

      ec2-authorize default -p 8080

      That one got me for a while!

    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-26

      Yes, they are all open. I initially thought that was the problem, but double checked by doing

      nmap myec2hostname

      and it showed the ports were closed (which means open but no service is running on that port on the server).

    • Chris

      Chris - 2008-10-26

      This is the line from that is causing all the problems...


      it should be changed to

      ADEMPIERE_APPS_SERVER=servername or IP address.

      Otherwise the web server will refuse requests from anywhere but localhost.

      FIXED!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY!

      Also you need to rerun silentsetup each time you change the file in order for it to pick up the changes.

    • Ra'id Al-Jamali

      Ra'id Al-Jamali - 2008-10-26


      By default, the GUI installer picks up the private hostname (domU-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF). I can't remember whether this resolves to the same ip address as the public hostname ( but it seems to work!

      Moral of the story: use the GUI installer!

    • hus_rah

      hus_rah - 2008-10-27

      Hi Chris and Ra'id

      If I use a IP address in ADEMPIERE_APPS_SERVER , I can log on to the server from any machine on the lan using either the name or the IP number
      If I use the servername in ADEMPIERE_APPS_SERVER , I can not log on using either name nor IP number

      If I do a port scan of the server while the IP number is used then it shows my ports as open,
      but if I scan with the servername my port is not open.

      Chris are you using the ip number or the servername in your installation.
      Another question is it possible to use two IP numbers for the APPS_SERVER , the reason for this is I want to route local traffic on one card and international traffic on the other card (create two gateways)


    • Fidel Herrera Reyes

      Christ if you think you found and solved issues with the installation manuals, can you please update this manual so everyone can benefit....I I'm too having a lot of problems connecting to my posterita server from the network ....locally i connect, I get no errors when installing.

      I'm installing on Ubuntu 8.04 GUI  from this manua

      for the help I thank you all

    • Aaron Grenoside

      Aaron Grenoside - 2009-07-29

      Not to beat a dead horse, but I wonder if anyone is feeling generous enough to write a version of the the aforementioned (otherwise excellent!) installation guide for amd64 architecture? There appear to be some subtle differences....

    • awi

      awi - 2009-08-17

      hi - do you have installation guide for windows?

      adempiere is working fine, but it cannot make posterita work..

      can anyone help?

      best regards,


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