
Portable Graphics Lib / News: Recent posts


After reflexion, the documentation is also available in the wiki created with Mediawiki (thanks at authors and sourceforge).
This wiki is written in english and french.

Each party has the information, somme is in French, other in English.

Posted by DALOZ - DE LOS RIOS Christophe 2010-10-27

Documentation of project

The documentation of project is written in two language : French and english.

The documentation is written in french on official website and subversion repository (optional : possible download french documentation).

The english version of documentation is present in subversion repository and download.
The BugTracker contains the english version only of documentation.

Posted by DALOZ - DE LOS RIOS Christophe 2010-10-27

Portable Graphics Lib

Portable Graphics Lib is an library developped in C++ and usable in Microsoft Windows (all versions normaly) and Linux.

Different informations is accessible in the official website of project.
The website is writing in french, but the present section and all part not present in website, are in english language.

The bugtracker is french and english (other language not accepted), but in english advise.

Posted by DALOZ - DE LOS RIOS Christophe 2010-10-27