
Porcupine Web Application Server v0.0.8 released

The brand new version of Porcupine Server introduces quite a few new cool features and many improvements, that ease and accelerate the development process. Our main goal was to remove any constaints that expect the files of a Porcupine application to reside inside more than one folder trees. As a result, it is now attainable to develop your application working inside a single folder tree only.
The application object was greatly simplified. The application's UI XML definition and its script are now external files instead of having them embedded inside the object. This way, you can edit these files using your favourite editor.
Additionally, the Porcupine desktop includes a new utility called HyperSearch. Use this utility to search the entire Porcupine database for objects that meet specific criteria such as text parts contained in their title or description and their modification date.
The QuiX engine includes a completely rewritten event subsystem, in order to achieve a unified way of attaching and detaching DOM and custom event handlers. Furthermore, QuiX is now compatible with Internet Explorer 7 and includes many perfomance enhancements. Two new widgets are also added to the list of available widgets. An IFrame widget that enables the display of external sites inside the Porcupine desktop, and a group box.

Posted by Tassos Koutsovassilis 2006-10-29

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