
UTF-8 Mail-preview

  • TJF

    TJF - 2018-06-29

    Doubleclick on a mail shows the preview window: Here the german umlauts (mutations) are wrong encoded. Version 5.2.9


    Last edit: TJF 2018-06-29
    • Horst

      Horst - 2018-06-30

      Not confirmed for me.
      Mails with german Umlauts are correctly displayed in the preview.
      The source for testing was GMail.
      Encoding in this case was
      Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
      How your mails are encoded ?

  • Jessica Brown

    Jessica Brown - 2018-09-15

    We need more details to troubleshoot this. There possibly could be a bug where some specific encoding is not handled correctly, but we'd need to know more about what encoding the message is in, and whether it's any message in that encoding or just a certain specific one. With full headers of the email that causes problems I can often troubleshoot why that message doesn't decode correctly.

  • Jessica Brown

    Jessica Brown - 2018-09-15

    We need more details to troubleshoot this. There possibly could be a bug where some specific encoding is not handled correctly, but we'd need to know more about what encoding the message is in, and whether it's any message in that encoding or just a certain specific one. With full headers of the email that causes problems I can often troubleshoot why that message doesn't decode correctly.



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