
#1 Safari can't load POPFile web page


This does not happen often, but it does happen to me occasionally,
maybe once every couple of days. I am running POPFile v0.21.1,
along with Eudora 6.0.2 and Safari 1.2.1 under OS X 10.3.3.

I run into the problem when I'm inspecting a mis-classified
message in Eudora. I double-click the URL in the X-POPFile-Link
header to open the message in the web interface so that I can
reclassify it. MOST of the time this works without any problem, but
on occasion, I get an error message from Safari similar to this:

Safari can’t open the page "
session=VjL2e1O&view=popfile181483=3.msg" because it could not
load any data from this location.

After I click the OK button to dismiss the error dialog, the same
URL is inserted and selected in Safari's address field. If I now hit
the return key, the page loads correctly, without me having to do
anything else.

Since the page does ultimately load, I'm guessing this is some sort
of a timing problem, where the page isn't quite ready when Safari
first tries to access it.

I don't normally use other web browsers, but if it would help to
characterize the problem, I could try this with some other web
browsers for a while and see if that makes a difference.

I never see this problem when I'm already in the web interface. It
only occurs when I'm trying to access a page by clicking on the X-
POPFile-Link URL in Eudora, and it only happens rarely even in that


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