Please consider allowing Unclassified Items to have a
separate "number of days to keep" setting on the config
Because I get a ton of email, I only 'keep' 2 days of
mail. Although I religiously reclassify email that is
placed in the wrong bucket, I may go a week without an
error. As a result, it would be helpful to keep a
longer period of Unclassified mail so that I can
continue to train POPfile.
While I recognize that I could go into the UI as soon
as I get Unclassified mail, I don't. It would be
easier if I could adjust the setting to keep that type
of mail longer for reclassification at a later date.
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I think this is a pretty good idea though probably not a
very high priority one. If you miss classifying a message
you can always catch a similar one later.
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I think this is a good idea as well, it would be handy to have.