
Can PopFInstall on my web site host's server?

  • Hagenow

    Hagenow - 2004-12-05

    Can PopFInstall on my web site host's server?

    • Manni

      Manni - 2004-12-05

      It will depend on the kind of account you have on that server.

      If you are only getting hosting (possibly along with CGI and database access, etc), you will not be able to do so. POPFile needs to run constantly and I don't think you can have scripts/programs running constantly on an account like that.

      If you hoster is giving you a virtual server, however, with root access and all the glories of a full-featured operating system, you should be able to do so.

      Best thing to do is ask your hoster.


      • Hagenow

        Hagenow - 2008-03-19

        The server is a typical LAMP hosting with the ability to add cron jobs.  Is is possible to schedule a cron job to periodically launch and kill a popfile process?  If so, how?


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