
Deleting from the server and PopFile

  • ehmnet

    ehmnet - 2007-01-26

    We are talking about POP accounts.

    I do have my home computer and my office computer.
    I have TheBat! installed on both machines.
    At my office, all e-mails account have the "Leave Messages on Server" checked, so when I get home, I still can receive those messages.
    At Home of course that option is unchecked.

    On both machines, I have PopFile installed, and it pre-filter/organize my e-mails, so when TheBat receive it, it's already marked as [spam] if it's the case.

    On my office machine (the one who leave the messages on the server), I create a filter that if the message is SPAM, it should 'Delete message from server'.
    But it's not working.

    My best guess is that because PopFile settings, the TheBat! is not finding the server on the way back.
    Those are the settings:
    Mail Server =
    User =
    Password = ******
    Port = 123
    It call's PopFile.
    Then PopFile calls my real server.

    Any one else have this setup? How do you delete e-mails from the server, by filtering options?

    Let me add that if I change the TheBat! settings to the real address, like:
    Mail Server =
    User = my_username_account
    Password = ******
    Port = 110

    Then the function will work.

    I could not figure out how to send the 'Delete the message on server' from TheBat! if it doesn't have the real server info.

    Also, if I can delete the message using PopFile, that will do too, but I'm unaware of this kind of option on PopFile.

    Thank you

    • Texas Fett

      Texas Fett - 2007-01-26

      POPFile should not affect your mail program's ability to delete messages when downloaded.  POPFile doesn’t delete messages by itself, that is the job of your  email client. POPFile is only a proxy that receives commands from your email client and passes them on to the mail server.

      Verify that your mail client is correctly set up: is it set to delete messages on the server after retrieval? Is it set to download all or just unread mail? You could also check POPFile’s logfile and see what happens when your client issues the delete command. Was it sent at all? Was there an error message from the server? Anything strange in there?

    • ehmnet

      ehmnet - 2007-01-30

      I'm sorry that maybe my poor English language skills, that are not my first language,  prevent me to explain the problem better.
      What is happen is that the email client program I'm using (TheBat!) has a feature that allows me to send a command to delete one specificity message from the server, even do I'm using the option to 'do not delete messages from the server when receiving e-mails'.
      As I explain before, I have two machines, one at the office, and the other at home.
      The machine at the office is setup to NOT delete messages from the server upon receiving it.
      The machine at the home is setup to delete messages from the server after receiving it.

      What I want to do is force the deletion ONLY of the SPAM messages on my server, when I'm receiving it at my office.

      So, all other good e-mail will still there on my server, but all SPAM e-mail will be deleted and I will not receive it again at home.

      The settings on my office machine are:
      Mail Server =
      User =
      Password = ******
      Port = 123

      so, when I use the email client feature to delete ONE specificity message from my server, it is not happing because instead of looking for my server, it's looking for

      My question was if POPFILE has any feature that would allow my e-mail client to send a command to delete one specificity message from the server.

      • Texas Fett

        Texas Fett - 2007-01-31

        You need to post this to the POPFile Help forum then.  This HowTo forum is meant for people posting instructions.  Few people look at it.  If you can figure out exactly how The Bat is doing this delete, check your POPFile log to see if it is being sent and what the response from the server is. See:

    • ehmnet

      ehmnet - 2007-02-01

      Thank you. Did it. :)


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