
Eudora, Popfile, McAfee proxy chaining

  • olfk

    olfk - 2006-04-21

    Proxy chaining using Eudora, Popfile and McAfee is not stable because I cannot change the email client port from 110 tot 123 as indicated by the HowTo on proxy chaining. Is there a solution to this problem or should I change to another email client.

    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2006-04-21

      You do not need to change your email client. Eudora has a configuration option which lets you change the POP3 port from the default setting of 110 so you can use proxy chaining.

      From the Eudora menu select

      Tools -- Options -- Ports

      and a window will appear which lets you change the POP port from its default setting.

      If your copy of Eudora does not show "Ports" in the "Options" list then you'll need to install Eudora's "Esoteric Settings" plug-in, as described in the Eudora manual.

      Here is the relevant extract from the Eudora 7 User Guide ("Setting Eudora Preferences", page 289):

      For advanced users only: if you need to use an Esoteric Settings plug-in, copy esoteric.epi from the Extra stuff subdirectory into your main Eudora directory. This will allow an interface to several features in your options settings. You will notice additional icons appearing at the end of the category list in Options.

      On my system the esoteric.epi file was found in a folder called "extrastuff"


    • olfk

      olfk - 2006-04-22

      Thanks Brian, Eudora is now working together with Popfile, but McAfee Spamkiller is still not working. The only way I get Eudora to work is with the following settings:
      mail server:
      pop3 port: 123
      pop3 port: 123
      separator: %
      Any other setting as suggested in the HowTo does not work.
      Any ideas?
      Best regards,

    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2006-04-24

      I recommend you try asking for help in the HELP forum - more people look at that forum than this one, so you may get a better response there.

      I know nothing about McAfee Spamkiller so "McAfee Spamkiller is still not working" does not mean much to me.

      A forum search only found a few references to Spamkiller.

      Perhaps you could give some more details about the problem when you ask for help in the HELP forum?



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