
Subject words

  • cbirn

    cbirn - 2007-05-18

    I'm new to this program.  I get spam with several words in the subject line.  Do I train the program by using the whole group of words as a rule or do i pick just one word?  I can't find the information in the help section except something about the program is unable to use multiple words.  If this is the case, what words do i single out?

    • Wm

      Wm - 2007-05-18

      Classify the message as a whole.  Let PF do the word counting.

    • Texas Fett

      Texas Fett - 2007-05-18

      What you probably read about was magnets.  Magnets are a manual way to force POPFile to catch spam with a specific word in the subject or address.  When you reclassify messages, POPFile learns from every part of the email.  But when you use magnets, POPFile can't learn from those messages for the future.  Read these documentation pages:

      • cbirn

        cbirn - 2007-05-18

        Thanks for the explanation. I have another question.  I'm getting some emails that are legit and I'm not sure how to change Popfile from moving them into my spam folder.  I went to the history tab, but no record of anything appears there so i was unable to change it from that window.  So, i just moved the message from the spam folder to the inbox on my Outlook Express.  Is this going to work for the future and why isn't the history showing up?


        • Texas Fett

          Texas Fett - 2007-05-18

          Once messages are downloaded to your mail client reclassifying them in POPFile doesn't move them in the client.  You have to do that manually.  Reclassifying tells POPFile it was wrong so it can learn from its mistake for similar future messages.

          If you aren't getting anything on the history page, you may have a filter or search set.  On the history page right above the list of messages there are buttons for Search/Filter and Reset.  Hit the reset and hopefully the messages will show.

          • cbirn

            cbirn - 2007-05-18

            I did what you suggested and hit the rest button, but it still tells me no messages.

            • Texas Fett

              Texas Fett - 2007-05-19

              I can only guess that POPFile isn't correctly setup.  The installer should be able to configure Outlook Express automatically.  If you have more than one account setup in Outlook Express that might be the problem, I don't remember if the installer deals with more than one account.  If you only have one, I would run setup again and make sure to allow it to setup Outlook Express.

              If you have more than one or want to do it manually, this page should help you with the steps:

              • cbirn

                cbirn - 2007-05-19

                Thanks I'll try that.


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