
bug in 0.22.5?

  • Marc Bejarano

    Marc Bejarano - 2007-06-29

    i've been using popfile heavily for a long time.  i recently upgraded to 0.22.5 and just got this in the console:
    DBD::SQLite2::db selectrow_arrayref failed: database is locked(1) at dbdimp.c line 419 at C:\PROGRA~1\POPFile/POPFile/ line 289, <GEN2> line 2206.

    i've never seen this before.  it wedges popfile such that no further POP proxy or web UI work is possible.  restarting popfile returns things to normal.  clues?


    • Marc Bejarano

      Marc Bejarano - 2007-06-29

      a different error message.  second time it has had to have been restarted today :(
      Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at C:\PROGRA~1\POPFile/POPFile/ line 124.

    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2007-06-29

      Have you checked the SQLite database?

      The installer creates a Start Menu shortcut which performs some basic tests:

      Start –> Programs –> POPFile –> Support –> Check database status


    • Marc Bejarano

      Marc Bejarano - 2007-07-02

      POPFile SQLite Database Status Check (integrated) v0.1.5

      Current user  : beej
      Current folder: C:\Program Files\POPFile
      Command line  : /REGISTRY

      Trying to find database using registry data (HKCU)... found it!

      POPFile database found (C:\Program Files\POPFile\popfile.db)

      SQLite v2.8.16 utility found in C:\Program Files\POPFile

      Database is in SQLite 2.x format, uses schema version 3 and its size is 94,827 KB

      Result of running the 'pragma integrity_check;' command:

      The POPFile database has passed the SQLite integrity check!

      (report finished 02-Jul-2007 @ 18:20:35)

    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2007-07-03

      Thanks for the database status report.

      Have you enabled concurrent POP3 connections? You can check this setting on the CONFIGURATION page in the UI.

      Another user has found that these messages do not appear when concurrent POP3 connections are disabled (this is the default setting).

      How often are you checking for new mail?

      How many messages are in the message history?

      Are you using any of the optional POPFile components (IMAP, SSL, etc)?


    • Marc Bejarano

      Marc Bejarano - 2007-07-09

      hrm.  i did somewhat recently enable concurrent POP3 connections, so that could be related.  i check for new mail manually when i feel like it.  i have ~25k messages in the history.  no optional components in use.


    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2007-07-10

      From the discussion in the other thread I mentioned earlier (see\) it seems possible that the problem (only?) occurs under "high load" conditions when concurrent POP3 connections are enabled. At the moment I'm trying to get a better definition of "high load".

      Your SQLite database is very big (94 MB) and your message history is also very big (25,000 msgs). It has been reported that a very large message history can cause POPFile to slow down.

      Once an hour POPFile will check the message history to see if it is time to delete any old messages so having a very large history can have an adverse impact on performance.

      How many days of history are you keeping? (If you get around 100 msgs per day then your history seems rather excessive but if you get 2,000 msgs per day then it's less so.)

      If the problem is related to the load some system information would be useful, such as:
      Which operating system are you using?
      What is the CPU?
      How much RAM is fitted?
      Are you using an anti-virus package?

      Over in the other thread it was reported that the problem occurred in 0.22.4 and in 0.22.5 so it is not a new problem (at least as far as that user is concerned). One of the changes between 0.22.4 and 0.22.5 is that the minimal Perl was updated to a new version, so the conditions under which things go wrong may have changed which is why you only saw the problem after upgrading.

      POPFile writes to the database when processing incoming mail and when deleting old messages. Perhaps some changes to the way in which old messages are deleted might help?


    • Marc Bejarano

      Marc Bejarano - 2007-07-11

      i'll take this to the other thread, now :)


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