
Poor Man's CMS / News: Recent posts

Poor Man's CMS - development info

Time is running! Nearly 4 month since my last 'development info' news. So it's time to tell you the state of the art.

Poormans has now two nice features: the overdue support of hierarchical levels and a gallery with thumbnails! All images of a gallery are rendered to their preferred size, so you get the optimum for viewing quality and loading time in your exported site. I've written a rendering unit which is caching each image rendered for previewing. This image cache is used in order to avoid multiple rendering and to speed up the export process.... read more

Posted by Thilo Schwarz 2006-07-17

Poor Man's CMS - development info

Poor Man's CMS (poormans) is a very basic CMS running as a swt application and generating static html pages.
Once again, it is time for some news about poormans' development status. I've been working hard and learned a lot! ;-) Please remember, poormans is my playground to test things, I'm interested in.

Inspired by an article in the german 'JavaMagazin' about the java-based installer generater IzPack, I decided poormans should get one. ... read more

Posted by Thilo Schwarz 2006-03-08

Poor Man's CMS - development info

Poor Man's CMS (poormans) is a very basic CMS running as a swt application and generating static html pages.
After a break of 2 months I'm working on poormans again. While this downtime I was working at a web application based on the spring framework. An outstanding open-source project! Inspired by this experiences I'm currently rearrange the initialization/configuration stuff. Because, there isn't any new feature, I didn't commit a new file release of the distribution version.... read more

Posted by Thilo Schwarz 2006-02-15

Poor Man's CMS goes SWT

At the very beginning poormans was a servlet based web application running on a local pc. Now poormans is completely rearranged and has grown up to a nice swt application. Being in an early beta state, there are a few bugs.
I hope, you enjoy it!

Posted by Thilo Schwarz 2005-11-29

New release of the distribution file

Poor Man's CMS (poormans) is a very basic CMS running on a local pc, generating static html pages.
This is the second file release of the distribution version. It's very easy to install and tested. Being in a very early alpha state, it's usable but not very fanzy.

At the moment, the gui is under hot development. This release is one step to a rewritten gui.

- GUI now works with IE6 (thanks to Dominique for doing a lot of tests)
- WYSIWYG editor improvements
- lot of bugfixes
- updated some basic libraries and fckeditor

Posted by Thilo Schwarz 2005-10-15

Initial release of the distribution file.

Poor Man's CMS (poormans) is a very basic CMS running on a local pc, generating static html pages.
This is the very first file release of the distribution version. It's very easy to install and tested. Being in a very early alpha state, it's usable but not very fanzy.

Posted by Thilo Schwarz 2005-08-17