
Tree [455b7c] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2013-04-22 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [b5cb8b]
 offweb 2016-02-17 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [455b7c] Not been tested
 webroot 2013-10-02 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [34563a] Tab -> 4 spaces.
 .buildpath 2013-04-22 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [b5cb8b]
 .project 2013-04-22 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [b5cb8b]
 LICENSE-2.0.txt 2012-05-19 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [b0f655] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 README.txt 2013-04-22 Mehran Ziadloo Mehran Ziadloo [1ad575]

Read Me

Pomegranate Framework v0
May 19th, 2012


    1. Introduction
    2. System Requirements
    3. Installation

    1. Introduction

    * One line version:
    A PHP + Javascript framework to facilitate web2 projects.

    * Full description:
    Pomegranate framework is a library of code written in PHP and Javascript in
order to help developers create Ajax-based web applications easier. It is based
on: PHP5.3+, Javascript, HTML5 and Zend Framework.

    2. System Requirements

    2.1 Hardware Requirements
    This software has no specific hardware requirements, as long as required
softwares can be run.

    2.2 Software Requirements
    2.2.1 Apache Webserver
    Even though any webserver can do but Apache is highly recommended since the
rewrite module (mod_rewrite) is used in this framework. But as long as the same
functionality is servered, it doesn't matter which webserver is used.

    2.2.2 HTML5 compatible Web browser
    Any HTML5 compatible web browser can be used as the client to this system.
The following software versions are tested and working:
Google Chromium: 18.0.1025.151
Firefox: 12.0
Sarafi: 5.1.5
It's worth mentioning that at the time of writing this document, MS Internet
Explorer version 9 is out and since it does not support "FormData" object to
upload file with "XMLHttpRequest", this framework is not completely functional
if you want to make use of in IE. Another matter to point out, I didn't put
enough effort to test the earliest version of each browser that support this
framework. I just listed the versions on my computer.

    2.2.3 PHP 5.3
    PHP has gone through major changes since 5.3 version. Notably it supports
namespace since then. Using earlier versions will result in syntax error.

    2.2.4 Zend Framework 1.11
    You need to copy the Zend Framework on your webserver and have its path
mentioned in PHP's include_path. Most likely in PHP's ini file.

    3. Installation

    3.1 Create a host
    Create a host / virtual host in Apache. For more information on how to do
this, please refer to internet.

    3.2 Mention Zend Framework's path in PHP's include_path
    Best way to do this is to modify your php.ini file.

    3.3 Copy webroot to your host's folder
    The files in Pomegranate's webroot should be copied into your just created
host. There's a .htaccess in there, make sure that it is included as it's hidden
by default.

    3.4 Copy offweb folder into an arbitrary path
    offweb folder is parent folder to all the codes for Pomegranate Framework.
Even though its path is absolutely arbitrary, but it's recommended that it is
placed by webroot. Please note that this folder is supposed to be out of the
Apache's reach and not accessible to global access.

    3.5 Modify the config file
    There's a config file in offweb/config/config.ini which needs to be modified
in order for system to work. The most important ones are paths to different
folders and DB access information.

    3.6 Modify .htaacess file in webroot
    There's also a .htaccess file in webroot which you need to modify before you
can run the examples. In that file you will find two PHP environmental variables
named CONFIG_FILE and PACKAGE_ROOT which should point to the right directories.

The End.