
#828 Force into ontology interface if annotation duplication/term change uses an ontology term which is new for a session


Currently you can take a short cut to create a new annotation for a specific allele by duplicating and changing the ontology term.

If this creates an annotation to a term not previously used in the session the user should be forced into the ontology interface to inspect child terms to see if a more specific annotation is appropriate.

Less important than the rest so 6.
If this is not done before release to general public we will need to check annotation specificity more carefully.

1 Attachments


  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-05-06

    Currently you can take a short cut to create a new annotation for a specific allele
    by duplicating and changing the ontology term.

    I wondered if the "add ...", "edit ..." and "duplicate ..." should be advanced features that aren't activated for everyone. I'm not sure how we would decide though.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-05-07

    I think the community curators will be really appreciative of these shortcuts too.....

    In that case I suggest putting this in the "fix while curators are beta testing the other stuff" category. It's an independent change that can be done in parallel as it's not going to screw up anything else. (I'll leave it at priority 6 for now)

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-05-30

    Any suggestions about how seeing and selecting more specific annotation could work in the annotation add/edit dialog? Sounds like this is something that needs fixing soon.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-07

    Any suggestions about how seeing and selecting more specific annotation could
    work in the annotation add/edit dialog?

    I've started work on this but I'm not sure the interface will be sensible. Currently I'm implementing it so that after you choose the term from the autocomplete it will pop up a new dialog box shows the definition and the child terms. I'm not sure popping up a dialog when you're using a dialog is a good idea - bad user interface.

    Anyway, for now my suggestion is that the dialog initially shows the name etc. from the "Please read the definition of the currently selected term to ensure that it accurately describes your gene:" along with a "Cancel" and a "Next" button.

    Clicking next would hide the definition and show the children, and the "suggest a term" blurb along with a "Back" and a "Finish" button.

    Clicking on a child would take you to the name, definition etc. for that term.

    The current long interface has the "Please read the definition ..." section, the children and the term suggest link on one page, but I'm thinking that splitting it into two steps will allow it to fit in the dialog better. It's a bit more clicking though.

    We should probably have a chat about all this. Whatever we do is going to take a few days (and that might be optimistic as it's a bit fiddly).

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2015-06-07

    I envisaged that if I select "thin cell" in the "pull down" in interface1 (image attached), it would chuck me into the ontology drill down (interface2). Then when I was happy with my ontology term after drill down, and I hit "proceed", I would go back to "interface 1" and continue completing the other fields.

    Antonia did you envisage the same or similar?


  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2015-06-07


  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2015-06-07


  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-07

    I would go back to "interface 1" and continue completing the other fields.

    I wanted to avoid doing it exactly like that because I through the interface would be a bit jarring (it would need a page reload or two) and it would be hard to implement, especially when editing an existing annotation.

    I've made a test implementation that pops up a new dialog (see attachment). The change is available in the main Canto, please give it a go. If you find problems, hit "Cancel" as soon as the dialog comes up and it will leave the term you auto-completed as is.

    The dialog currently has two stages: view the definition first then click "Next" to show children. Having done it that way I now think having the name, definition and children visible at once would be a clearer interface even if it would make for a very tall dialog box sometimes. Let me know what you think.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-07

    I forgot to say that the term suggestions aren't handled in the new pop up yet. You need to edit the fields in the initial dialog box. Also the help text and heading aren't the best.

  • Antonia Lock

    Antonia Lock - 2015-06-08

    Kim, I think it looks fine like this.

    It looks a bit confusing to be asked for a child terms when selecting a term with no children (for example "sensitive to brefeldin A") but it is not a big deal.

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2015-06-08

    Yep, consider this OK, can be refined later.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-08

    It looks a bit confusing to be asked for a child terms when selecting a term with
    no children (for example "sensitive to brefeldin A") but it is not a big deal.

    Yep, it needs to say the same as the long old style annotation pages: "The currently selected term has no children. If you need a more specific term to describe the experiment you are annotating, please follow the link below to suggest it: ..."

    Yep, consider this OK, can be refined later.

    Definitely needs fixing before the community uses it.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-08

    Yep, it needs to say the same as the long old style annotation pages: "The currently selected term has no children.

    I've done that because it was a quick fix. I'll leave further changes until you've tried it for a while.

  • Midori Harris

    Midori Harris - 2015-06-08

    Yuck. When I do already know exactly which term I want, the extra clicking is a pain.

    Not sure if there's an answer that will work for everyone all the time.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-10

    Not sure if there's an answer that will work for everyone all the time.

    Perhaps for admin/advanced users we should have a button or link to check children rather than popping up the dialog immediately. If we do that we could have the number of children (if any) shown under the name after you autocomplete the term name. That would be a hint that you do or don't need to check the child terms.

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2015-06-10

    If we do that we could have the number of children (if any) shown under the
    name after you autocomplete the term name.

    I've done that now because I wanted to see had tricky it would be to implement. It would be very easy to add a button beside it to pop up the "drill down" dialog.


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