I fixed the ones allocated to me. Here are the resolutions:
fixed deleted PMID:15647375 Val
fixed phenotypic supression -> dosage rescue PMID:16874521 Val
fixed switched directionality PMID:21289066 Jia/Val
fixed deleted PMID:22065639 Gould/Val visually there seems to be no difference
fixed deleted PMID:23091701 Pluskal/Val
fixed ac-luminesence -> western PMID:23389634 Shiosaki/Val
fixed PMID:24006488 Ayte/Val
fixed deleted PMID:24006493 Tanaka/Val
already fixed PMID:24081329 Bachand/Val (possibly fixed?)
fixed copurification-> affinity capture western PMID:24554432 Martin/ Val
fixed dosage rescue- phenotypic supression PMID:24710126 Matsumoto/Val
fixed phenotypic supression -> synthetic growth defect PMID:24798735 Wu/Val
fixed 3 (different reasoons) PMID:24876389 Akio Nakashima/ Val
fixed (deleted as incorrect directionality and experimental system) PMID:24943839 King/Val
fixed co-purification->reconstituted complex AND phenotypic suppression->synthetic rescue phenotypic supression-> synthetic growth defect PMID:24963130 Megan King/ Val
fixed co-purification-> reconstituted complex PMID:25165823 Yasuhiro Tsutsui/Val
fixed PMID:3428262phenotypic enhancement->synthetic rescue Val
kept, plo1 is in fig s3&s4 PMID:22809626 Jin/Val plo1 single mutant not shown, Fig 4
PMID:24920823 Rachfall/Val
I did not understand this one. I changed the direction as suggested, but I don’t see the problem with Antonia’s origin annotation (synthetic growth defect has no directionality)
I could not think of any suggestions to improve annotation. Basically the problem seems to be that some evidence codes could be considered a 'refinement' of another code, so if you see one that fits you use it.
We almost need to be able to prompt to say "but if its this, you need to use this more specific code"
OR "do not use evidence code x for y"