
#189 logs: report legacy gene expression data in logs


For the next load can you report any qualitative gene expression data which does not fit the format described here:

Example Artemis string: /controlled_curation="term=gene expression, RNA level; annotation_extension=during(GO:xxxxxxx); qualifier=increased; evidence=ECO:xxxx; db_xref=; date=YYYYMMDD"



  • Antonia Lock

    Antonia Lock - 2013-05-28

    in the first field, these are ok:
    RNA level
    protein level
    RNA degradation
    protein degradation

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2013-06-01

    Are any of the things mentioned on the wiki page optional?

    For example it says:
    Level allowed qualifiers: present, absent, unchanged, increased, decreased, constant

    They're allowed but are they mandatory?

    Does the annotation have to have an evidence?

    What about the Relation, which a guess is in the annotation_extension=? Is the relation optional?


  • Antonia Lock

    Antonia Lock - 2013-06-02

    For the annotations I have done nothing is optional :)
    Together they give you the what (protein or rna), the when (during) and the how (increased, decreased etc)

    • evidence (fwiw)

    as I wrote on the wiki page:
    * Each annotation must consist of these 4 bits of data:
    * '''Expression type''' Allowed types: RNA level, protein level, transcription, RNA degradation, translation, protein degradation
    * '''Relation''' during(GO biological process ID) or in_presence_of(ChEBI ID)
    * '''Level''' allowed qualifiers: present, absent, unchanged, increased, decreased, constant
    * '''Evidence''' ECO:xxxxxxx

  • Kim Rutherford

    Kim Rutherford - 2013-06-07

    There are examples in the EMBL files of term names that aren't in Antonia's list. For example "alternative transcripts" here:

    FT    /controlled_curation="term=gene expression, alternative
    FT    transcripts; db_xref=PMID:11376151; cv=gene_ex;
    FT    annotation_extension=has_downstream_target(GeneDB_Spombe:SPAC977.10)|
          has_downstream_target(GeneDB_Spombe:SPBC409.20c); date=20060605"

    Should that be a warning in the log?

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-06-07

    Yep, anything which does not fit the RNA/protein syntax should be reported. We will change them. I thought I had done them all, but I think I missed about 30.
    (Antonia I changed alternative transcript to "genome organization" for now which already had some info of this type but is not controlled syntax.
    Although i just noticed < boobed with this one:
    FT /controlled_curation="term=genome organization,
    FT alternative transcripts db_xref=PMID:11376151;
    FT date=20060605"
    (missing ";")

    Kim will this appear in the logs?)
    I am going to do a global replace and commit for "transcripts db_xref" -> "trancripts; db_xref" but we should capture any missing....

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2013-06-07

    There was only one FT /controlled_curation="term=genome organization,
    FT alternative transcripts db_xref=PMID:11376151;
    FT date=20060605" fixed

    but there could be others with different text.

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-06-09

    think most things are now being reported via other ticketsso I am lowering priority of this one as not urgent, but could do with a final check that all gene expression data has the specified components


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