
PokedexTCG / News: Recent posts

New pokedex version finally unveiled!

Well, despite all the time college and work have taken away from me - I managed to get quite a lot of coding done.

The entire GUI has been completely reworked using a OO approach to Tk. Its not quite perfect yet, but im working on it. The look of the GUI has also been completely redesigned, hopefully making it much more intuitive to use. Images were not incorporated in this release, I will have to think about how I wish to put them in the GUI first.... read more

Posted by Ben Imp 2004-04-26

New Pokedex Component Scripts Released

Well ... the pokedex is in pieces right now ... but
boy do those pieces look cool :)

Feel free to download and play with the files if you
so desire. There really is no functionality just yet,
and all the driver does is read in one of the files
and display it to you on the screen - just a proof
that the functions I wrote actually worked ... well
something of a proof. Until end users hit it, you
can never be sure...

Posted by Ben Imp 2003-11-07

Pokedex TCG Revamp

This news post marks my first attempt at actually keeping this project up to date, along with a total redesign of the project in general.

Due to external forces ( those being classes and work ), I have let this project slip into the realms of dead and depricated software. For that, I must apologize ... for I had such grand visions for this program. However, that time I spent away from my duties as project admin was not entirely in vain. The classes I have been taking have given me some new design patterns and ideas that I think can allow me to create an even more extensive and complete application.... read more

Posted by Ben Imp 2003-11-06