
Podget / News: Recent posts

New Release!

Sorry for the absence. I've been focused on other things the last couple of years, but your wait is over. I just released version 0.6 with all the updates that have been added to the CVS over the years.

Enjoy and let me know if you find any bugs.

* Added date substitutions to the feed category per David Willmore's feature request (#1652606). Thanks.
* Reversed order of filename character modifications and format fixing.
* Fixed error reports to go to stderr.
* Added more custom error/exit codes to simplify debugging.
* Added another filename format fix for feeds from LBC Plus per MoonUnit's feature request (#1660764). Thanks.
* Fixed playlist sorting to prevent a race condition in some implementations of the sort command as suggested by Cameron Paine. Thanks.
* Fixed Indexfile creation for Podcast feeds that have the enclosure URL broken over multiple lines as suggested by Colin Carter. Thanks.
* Modified Session file messaging to clearer report when old session files were removed.
* Fixed -r (most recent) and -f (force) command line options to override the defaults stored in the user configuration files. Thanks to Jim C. for reporting the bug and providing a potential patch.
* Wrapped eval statement on line 422 in quotes to try to fix an OBSD error.
* Changed install command --mode flags to -m in the Makefile so that it would be OBSD compatible.
* Changed #!/bin/bash to #!/usr/bin/env bash so that its more cross platform compatible.
* Moved test for configuration directory to before creation of session file so it has a place to store the session file. * Added Filename Format fix for podcasts hosted on per Oriol Rius's Bug Report (#1744705). Thanks.
* Fixed "Filesystem paths including spaces crash the podget script" (Bug# 1889724) submitted by Anonymous. Thanks.
* Fixed "Some filenames cause podget to fail" (Patch#1845815) submitted by Anonymous. Thanks.
* Fixed error with playlist loading submitted by Markus. Thanks.
* Added a filename format fix as suggested by Rob Sims via the Debian Bug Reporting System (, Bug#459949). Thanks.
* Added SCRIPTS directory for user submitted scripts. First script is from Steven Black and allows for easy addition of feeds from within Firefox. Thanks.
* Added patch from Steven Black to fix problem handling single apostrophes in filenames. Thanks again.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2010-04-25

Podget is now in the Debian repositories.

For all you Debian GNU/Linux users of Podget out there [all 3 of you ;) ], Podget is now included in the Debian repositories so a simple apt-get install is all you need.

I've been working on this a while and managed to time the submission to Debian at one of the worst possible times. Just when all the major developers were focused on the Etch freeze so that there were more important things to focus on and we had to wait. But our wait is over! Enjoy.... read more

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2007-03-12

Podget 0.5.8 Released.

New release after a long break.

Two new features thanks to Mojoandy. First we now have support for ASX Playlist creation. And second, we have another filename format fix.

Also, you may notice a few changes, we're going to submit Podget to for inclusion in the Debian repositories. Wish us luck.


Posted by Dave Vehrs 2007-01-11

Podget 0.5.7 released

Added a function to check for running sessions using the same core configuration file.

Added a function to check for remaining space on the library partition and stop if it drops below a configured level.

Both these ideas were inspired by Luc's suggestions.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-05-23

Podget 0.5.6 released.

Added simulate function to cleanup loop per marc_in_lux's request (MSG ID: 3717464).

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-05-20

Podget 0.5.5 Released

Small patch to the cleanup loop.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-04-12

Podget 0.5.4 Released.

Added UTF-16 formated feed handling (Support Request# 1432993).

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-03-04

Podget 0.5.3 Released.

Simple patch to the enclosure url parsing (Bug#1414282).

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-01-25

Podget 0.5.2 Released.

Added import from iTunes PCAST files.

But the big news for this version is the removal of bit-torrent support. I wasnt happy with the way it worked, for those of you that need it, I suggest looking at podracer (

If enough people complain about losing bit-torrent support then I will work on deploying an improved solution.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-01-17

bittorrent feeds?

Does anyone actually use the bittorrent feed download option?

At the time I added it, I expect more feeds to use it, however few do and my implementation is rather weak. If its commonly used, then its worth spending some time on.......

So do you use it or not?


Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-01-14

Podget 0.5.1 Released.

A few patches and other minor updates.



* Suppress "no enclosures" warning while running silent (Patch# 1395582, submitted by Kai Timmer).
* Test for completed file fails on filename with special chars, replace grep with fgrep (Patch# 1396969 submitted by Kai Timmer).
* Standardized verbosity testing (Patch# 1397756, Submitted by Johnny Ljunggern).
* Cleaned up comment output, and established clearer levels (0-4).

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2006-01-08

Podget 0.5 Released.

* Added sed hook to handle rss feeds that break the enclosure tag over multiple lines (LugRadio).
* Initial import OPML list support from local file or download from http/ftp.
* Applied patch submited by anonymous. (Bug 1380412 - unhandled environment variable).
* Dropped test for interactive shell.
* Fixed configuration file parsing bug (Bug 1386657).
* Added filename cleanup code for FAT32 compatability (Feature Request 1378956).

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2005-12-21

Podget in Mandriva Repositories.

Looks like there's a Mandriva packager (Lenny Cartier <>) uploading an RPM of Podget into their repositories. This means an easier install for all Mandriva users. Enjoy.

Thanks Lenny!

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2005-12-21

Podget 0.4.1 Released.

Several small changes. Biggest one is we now have Debian Packages (.deb) and a proper make installation.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2005-12-12

Podget 0.3 released

Initial support for bittorrent feeds, and more automatic cleanup refinements.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2005-05-31

Initial Release

Release of first version of Podget. Podget is a tool to facilitate the downloading of podcast audio content and storing it in categories and folder. Additionally a playlist of newly added items will be created.

Posted by Dave Vehrs 2005-03-09