
No Enclosures

  • Steven Kretsch

    Steven Kretsch - 2008-07-06

    I just tried to use Podget for the first time.  It looks like the perfect tool for what I want to do, but I am having the same problem as "oseyboldt" 2 years ago.  Namely, I get a message "No Enclosures in feed" when I know there are enclosures.  I suspect it is something in my wget configuration (I have never touched my wgetrc configuration file).  I have provided the verbose output from my run below.

    Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

    Parsing Config file.
    Config directory:        config
    Config file:        podgetrc

    Session file not found.  Creating.

    Config line --> # Name of Server List configuration file
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> config_serverlist=serverlist
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Directory where to store downloaded files
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> dir_library=/home/2ndDisk/podcasts
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Directory to store logs in
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # dir_log=/home/2ndDisk/podcasts/.LOG
    Discarding comment.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Set logging files
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> log_fail=errors
    Found config line.

    Config line --> log_comp=done
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Build playlists (comment out or set to null value to disable)
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> playlist_namebase=New-
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Date format for new playlist names
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> date_format=+%m-%d-%Y
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Wget base options
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # Commonly used options:
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> #   -c            Continued interupted downloads
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> #   -nH           No host directories (overrides .wgetrc defaults if necessary)
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> #   --proxy=off   To disable proxy set by environmental variable http_proxy/
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> #wget_baseopts=-c --proxy=off
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> wget_baseopts=-c -nH
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Most Recent
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 0  == download all new items.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 1+ == download only the <count> most recent
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> most_recent=0
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Force
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 0 == Only download new material.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 1 == Force download all items even those you've downloaded before.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> force=0
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Autocleanup.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 0 == disabled
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 1 == delete any old content
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> cleanup=0
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Number of days to keep files.   Cleanup will remove anything
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # older than this.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> cleanup_days=7
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Filename Cleanup: For FAT32 filename compatability (Feature Request #1378956)
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # Tested with the following characters: !@#$%^&*()_-+=||{[}]:;"'<,>.?/
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # filename_badchars=!#$^&=+{}[]:;"'<>?|
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # Filename Replace Character: Character to use to replace any/all
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # bad characters found.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> filename_replacechar=_
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Filename Cleanup 2:  Some RSS Feeds (like the BBC World News Bulletin) download files with names like filename.mp3?1234567.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # Enable this mode to fix the format to filename1234567.mp3.
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 0 == disabled
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 1 == enabled (default)
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> filename_formatfix=1
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # Stop downloading if available space on the partition drops below value (in KB)
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # default:  614400 (600MB)
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> min_space=614400
    Found config line.

    Config line -->

    Config line --> # ASX Playlists for Windows Media Player
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 0 == do not create
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> # 1 == create
    Discarding comment.

    Config line --> asx_playlist=0
    Found config line.
    LIBRARY DIR:  /home/2ndDisk/podcasts

    Main loop.
    SERVER LIST FILE: serverlist
    WGET OPTIONS: -c -nH --progress=bar

    UTF-8 Loop running.

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL --> #
      Discarding line (comment or blank line).

    Server/Feed URL -->

    Category: LINUX        Name: The Linux Link
    Downloading feed index from
      No enclosures in feed:

    Server/Feed URL -->

    Category: Linux        Name: LUG Radio
    Downloading feed index from
      No enclosures in feed:

    Server/Feed URL -->

    Category: Privacy        Name: Privacy Podcast
    Downloading feed index from
      No enclosures in feed:

    Server/Feed URL -->

    Category: Car        Name: Talk
    Downloading feed index from
      No enclosures in feed:

    UTF-16 Loop running.
    No config file found, exiting loop.

    Closing session and removing lock file.

    • Dave Vehrs

      Dave Vehrs - 2008-07-09

      OK, I tested all of these feeds with the CVS/Development version of Podget on Debian Linux and they all worked fine.  Can you test with the CVS version?

      And yes I'm aware that it's been darn near forever since I released a new packaged version to the stable release and I should do it but I keep hoping to close all tickets before I do that.  Oh well I guess I should just get it done.  Maybe soon.


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