
PocketGPS-Map / News: Recent posts

Simple map calibration for PGM

I've created a simple mono/qyoto app (so it probably will be a bit tricky to start) - see .

Posted by Andrej Krutak 2008-09-17

Project ain't dead

Just for random visitors, who didn't look at svn repository - the project is still alive and there could be some new release soon :-) Or maybe some beta "look-what's-been-done" release will be put here, if it takes too long... As with every release of every software - new exciting and surely-never-seen-before stuff is coming :o))

Posted by Andrej Krutak 2008-06-15

Audit of datum conversion code...

Hi there!

I've added some code, which should convert different datums to WGS 84 (and backwards, but it isn't used, yet). Is there someone who could possibly check if it's working right? The code isn't entirely made by me (especially the calculations), so I don't really know how to check it's right... The code is on SVN, and you can contact me either via email, or forums.

Thanks for any help!


Posted by Andrej Krutak 2007-07-06

First usable version is out :-)

Today I released a functional version of the software. It's almost the same as the version from yesterday, it 'just' contains fixes of some pretty critical bugs... Now one can finally use the program to navigate :-)

Posted by Andrej Krutak 2007-05-20

Ready to release :-)

I guess nobody's reading this anyway - I just want to make everyone who does know, that today I've probably fixed all major issues and the program is already usable on a PDA. I didn't test it on a (my) real PDA thought (just on emulator), and I didn't test COM communication also... I know, that without support of GPS connected thru COM, the program is more or less useless - so I'll test it (probably) tomorrow and if it'll work, I'll release some binaries and write a short readme (on how to create maps and atlases) :-)

Posted by Andrej Krutak 2007-05-18

Development status

I don't know, if there are any people interested in this project - I just want to let everybody know, that the first version is nearly finished and it'll be released within days, week or so :-) Until then you can download the code from svn and see how it's working. Although I'm not exactly sure, it you'll figure out map format without documentation :-) But you can try using oziexplorer...

Posted by Andrej Krutak 2007-05-15