
Tree [464c41] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 src 2014-02-24 ratopi ratopi [464c41] small code cleanup
 .gitignore 2013-09-04 ratopi ratopi [804e2d] Added .idea
 LICENSE 2013-05-16 ratopi ratopi [c07278] Typo fixed 2013-05-15 ratopi ratopi [1d4657] readme from txt to markdown
 pom.xml 2013-05-12 ratopi ratopi [07bf0b] initial git version

Read Me

PNP is a program for tutorial purposes in the signal processing area. It
allows to set, move and remove poles and zeros of an one dimensional digital
filter. The program shows different effects of the filter in the frequency

PS: This application is from around 2000. I nearly forgotten this little
program (laying around at SourceForge). It was not under any version control
over the years. I now decided to check it in in Git and publish it. Perhaps
someone out there will find it useful.

Have fun and don't blame me for the code ... it's old. ;-)

- ratopi