
PNotes.NET 3.6 beta

  • largo

    largo - 2017-09-25


    Here the French translation update

    see Attachment

    Best regards

    • oldlamer

      oldlamer - 2017-09-25

      I'm very appreciative of your efforts, but french translation has been already done. Sorry and thank you.

  • oldlamer

    oldlamer - 2017-10-12

    The fifth and I hope - the last beta is here:
    or here:

    Fixed bugs:
    1. Program freezes when user chooses any schedule type for note, checks “Hide note until notification” and press OK (discovered by Sergey Hristov)
    2. Lower part of Advanced settings on “Adjust schedule” dialog is not visible when display text size is set to be larger than default (discovered by Sergey Hristov)
    3. When user hides the menu item under submenu which has the one subitem, this item is still shown as thin line (discovered by Sergey Hristov)
    4. When following three options is checked: “Automatically adjust note’s height depending on its content”, “Roll/unroll note by double click on caption”, “Fit to caption when rolled” – note’s height doubles after each unrolling (discovered by Sergey Hristov)
    5. Improper docking notes behavior when display text size is set to be larger than default


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