
Rough -> Smoother

I've been ironing out the kinks and bugs of PNOB over the last couple of days, mostly. I've also done some feature addition and consideration.

I think in a future version (after 0.1-RC1), I'll work on allowing the users to select one of several possible PNOB interface color styles. I'm refering to PNOB itself, not its output (the output already has several shapes color styles that are selectable by the admin). This will be fairly superficial as it will affect nothing aside from how the news-submission engine looks externally, but hey, people like "pretty things," right? :)

Note there's a pic link below. I just overwrote the old pnob4.jpg to show the two new settings features. The admin can now select an "Output format" which affects the shape of the tables that contain the output posts. The "output styles" option allows the admin to select a color theme for the posts (imagine the pnob3.jpg image from a few news items back with different colors -- the one in that image is now known as "light" style).

Also, while digging through the images, I noticed that pnob1.jpg doesn't reflect that PNOB now supports cookies, but they're there. A simple "Remember Me" checkbox below the password box.

Pics (updated to reflect new setting options):

Posted by Walter Venable 2004-03-02

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