
PMW1.1 and Python2.3beta problems

  • Alessio Pace

    Alessio Pace - 2003-05-08

    I am using those 2 versions above and I get some problems with string.atoi method invocations in the PMW libraries. If I launch the same PMW demo apps with Python2.2 there are no erros, while with Python2.3 beta I get:
    TypeError: int() can't convert non string with explicit base.
    I solved the problem editing all the PMW libs I use and changing `string.atoi()' in `int()'. It seems to work now.

  • Bless

    Bless - 2023-05-01

    I am using python 3.11.3. I am building a stock market package in python. I need menus in that package. For creating menus I want to use PMW package with tinker. To try my first steps, I used the code snippet at
    When I ran this script, I am getting this error:

    "Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "D:\PYTHON_3.11.3\Lib\site-packages\Pmw\Pmw_2_1_1\lib\", line 103, in del, 'destroy', self._name)
    _tkinter.TclError: invalid command name "::blt::vector""

    Please help

    • Adrian

      Adrian - 2023-05-13

      Hello! Sorry about the late response, I've been away from the Internet for some time. I'll try to investigate this - in the meantime, I moved the discussion over to - if you could provide me with the exact sample code over there (if it's something small and simple), that would be great.


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