
PmwBlt invalid command name "::blt::vector""

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2023-05-13

    Moving discussion from here.

    I am using python 3.11.3. I am building a stock market package in python. I need menus in that package. For creating menus I want to use PMW package with tinker. To try my first steps, I used the code snippet at
    When I ran this script, I am getting this error:

    "Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "D:\PYTHON_3.11.3\Lib\site-packages\Pmw\Pmw_2_1_1\lib\", line 103, in del, 'destroy', self._name)
    _tkinter.TclError: invalid command name "::blt::vector""

    Please help

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2023-05-13

    Having trouble reproducing this - I grabbed the mentioned example, changed Tkinter to tkinter for Python 3 compatibility but the example flows correctly under Python 3.10.4 - I did see such errors thrown when combined with other functions (i.e. input() ) but some example code and the Tcl/Tk version (using 8.6, maybe changed with Python 3.11?) would definitely help.

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2023-05-13

    Solved the issue - you're missing the BLT extension for Tcl ( to be able to use BLT. Since Python3 comes pre-packaged with Tcl 8.6 you'll need TkBLT (or some other fork that's compatible - ) - unfortunately, they only provide source code which will require manually compiling and adding that package so it can be found. Other than this basic info there's not much I can help you with.


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