
#332 Model Editor Node Execution


I have used a Model Editor Node in order to edit some parameters from a XLS Model Reader Node.
If I change something in the XLS Model Reader Node (for example some name in the Excel Spreadsheet), I have to come into the Model Editor Node, press OK, and then execute this node. It is not possible just to execute it.
If you just execute the Model Editor Node, then the changes made in the XLS Model Reader will not be applied.


  • Armin Weiser

    Armin Weiser - 2014-09-19
    • assigned_to: Christian Thöns --> Carolina
  • Armin Weiser

    Armin Weiser - 2014-09-19

    Please provide a workflow, which parameter did you change? I would assume that also opening the ModelEditor and pressing ok doesn't change things.
    The problem here is: what has priority? The settings already done in the ModelEditor? Or, the data flowing into the editor? When deciding for the inport-data, then the Editor wouldn't have any effect, because always the data flowing into the editor will have priority... what do you think?

  • Matthias Filter

    Matthias Filter - 2014-09-22

    Attached a workflow that illustrate the problem.
    The XLS Model Reader has been updated (formulas are written into the DB including some modifications, e.g. instead of x I used Temperature as variable name for the secondary models). The XLS model reader now has completely new information at the out port, but the Model Editor ignores that even though I do a reset, as can be seen in the Predictor View node connected.
    What has priority? Ideally only things that where changed in the Model Editor are "remembered" by the node. So in case new information is provided at the inport only those modifications are again applied when executing the node provided that the corresponding field and model ID is still there. I know this will cause other problems.

  • Matthias Filter

    Matthias Filter - 2014-09-22
    • assigned_to: Carolina --> Armin Weiser
  • Matthias Filter

    Matthias Filter - 2014-10-06
    • Milestone: 1.02 --> 1.04
  • Matthias Filter

    Matthias Filter - 2015-02-04
    • assigned_to: Armin Weiser --> BfR PMM-Lab team
    • Milestone: 1.04 --> 1.1

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