
Mail::Milter 0.05 Released (important bugfix)

Mail::Milter 0.05 is now available, and fixes a very important bug in the
new MailDomainDNSBL module. It was tempfailing MAIL FROM:<> -- very bad.
Because of this, Mail::Milter 0.04 has been withdrawn from SF and CPAN.


$Id: Changes,v 1.22 2004/04/15 21:11:30 tvierling Exp $

Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Milter.

0.05 Thu Apr 15 19:15:00 2004 UTC
- fixed Mail::Milter::Module::*DNSBL to return a descriptive 451
error on a temporary DNSBL failure
- fixed Mail::Milter::Module::MailDomainDNSBL not to break on <>
sender (would cause a query beginning with a dot)

Posted by Todd Vierling 2004-04-15

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