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Showing 7 results of 7

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Votes
18 Can't open app Mac OS 10.15.7 1.0 open 2022-08-29 2022-08-29 0  
17 Is the project abandoned? 1.0 open 2020-08-18 2020-08-18 1  
15 lost data written to mise en scene manager 1.0 open 2014-11-24 2014-11-24 0  
14 Czech language translation for Plume Creator 1.0 open 2014-06-14 2014-06-14 0  
13 Import files 1.0 open 2014-05-29 2014-05-29 0  
12 Internal document links 1.0 open 2014-05-29 2014-05-29 0  
6 Vertical centring of text during editting. 1.0 open 2013-02-17 2013-10-01 1  
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