
WP - Plugins24 / News: Recent posts

CommentMailer 0.1.1 released

We released the next Version of our comment notifier "CommentMailer". The version 0.1.1 fixes the problems with the new Wordpress version 2.5.

Let's look at the CHANGE.LOG:

Apr 17th, 2008:
+ Version 0.1.1 released
+ fixed: different setup/install descriptions in cmailer.php and website
+ fixed for Wordpress 2.5
+ paged output of all subcribers
+ single unsubscribings of users
+ unsubscribing all users
+ optimizing table

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2008-04-17

WatchMyBack24-0.7.5 released

We released a new version of our SPAM fighting plugin "WatchMyBack24" for Wordpress weblogs. This version is nescessary for the Wordpress version 2.5 and higher.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2008-04-10

CommentMailer-0.1.0 released

We've released an early version of our comment notifying plugin named 'CommentMailer'. It informs weblog's readers of incoming comments to their subscribed postings. The subscribers are managed by a database table created on first run of the plugin. On every notify email the subscriber get a link to unsubscribe within the email.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2008-02-08

Tags24: Development freezed

Our tag-plugin Tags24 for the Wordpress content management system is freezed now because of the fact that Wordpress offers an own tagging service from version 2.1 (including tag-management/tagclouds).

Perhaps we'll build a tool to integrate old tags from tags24 into the new WP tagsystem.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2008-02-04

WatchMyBack24-0.7.4 released

We've released our spam-fighting plugin WatchMyBack24 in version 0.7.4. Let's look at the CHANGE.LOG:

Dec 19th, 2007:
+ Version 0.7.4 released
+ moving the menu item from 'Management' to 'Comments'

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2008-02-04

Recent-1.10.4 released

We released a newer version of our Recently/Related-plugin for Wordpress weblogs.

From Change.log:

Dec 7th, 2007:
+ Version 1.10.4 in progress
+ new function: setDynamicRSS() embeds dynamically a list of a Google Blogsearch query for related postings
+ new function: setStaticRSS() insert a of a Google Blogsearch query for related postings
+ depricated: get_simple_comments()
+ get_recent_posting: categories no longer choosable
+ get_recent_posting: bug for WP 2.3 fixed

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-12-07

WatchMyBack24-0.7.3 released

We released a new version of our powerful SPAM-fighting Wordpress plugin WatchMyBack24. In 0.7.3 some additional filters and a public stats output function are added. The download link in the update-function is now fixed.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-12-05

Recent24-1.10.3 released

We've released the version 1.10.3 of our WORDPRESS-plugin that arranges and shows recently posted entries, comments or trackbacks.

+ get_recent_discussion(...) to show comments ordered by date and topic, p.ex. on
+ fixed some bugs

See also the README and CHANGE.LOG

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-11-12

AdKit24 version 0.1.2 released

We released a new version of our advertising plugin AdKit24. More infos on version 0.1.2 you'll find on

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-08-21

AdKit24 version 0.1.1 released

We released a new version of our advertising plugin AdKit24. In version 0.1.1 you're able to edit your items. Other changes:
+ bigger: <small>-tags deleted - adbar in normal font-size
+ fixed: linking an inactivated icon (vertical)
+ edit items
+ strip all possible HTML-tags (due to copy and paste) while adding new items
+ linking the images

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-08-14

Blogscout-stats version 0.0.1 released

For all Wordpress publishers who want their authors to show the statistics tracked by the german tracking-service The plugins saves the access codes for the bloscout-counter and loads the stats in an IFRAME.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-07-12

WatchMyBack24 version 0.7.2 released

We released a new version of our SPAM-fighting Wordpress plugin "WatchMyBack24". It is able to check automatically if a newer version of this plugin exists on server. Some additional filters are added.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-07-11

Tags24 version 0.1.5 released

We released a new version of "Tags24" - our Wordpress plugin to set custom Technorati-tags and to create a tagcloud. We have fixed some bugs from version 0.1.4 (linking in the cloud) and we added a display (title-attribution) of how many postings are made to a sepcific tag in the cloud.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-05-30

WatchMyBack24 version 0.7.1 released

We released a new version of our spamfighting Wordpress plugin "WatchMyBack24". Now it includes an overview of all spammed postings with the possibility to select and deactive comments/trackbacks from this list. We added a new filter file as an update.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-05-24

Tags24 version 1.4 released

Some nice graphical changes in this version and some changes in Technorati tagging

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-04-19

WatchMyBack24 version 0.7.0 released

Ok, for more than two weeks we have tested our new major line 0.7.0 of the spamfighting plugin "WatchMyBack24". Now we release it. "WatchMyBack24" checks an incoming comment/trackback against the existing of a valid backlink (trackback) or against a very small list of keywords (Hooray-Jobs/BBCode). If it fails the comment/trackback will shown as spam to you in the admin management of your Wordpress installation.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-03-23

WatchMyBack24 version 0.7.0 alpha released

This version is the first version of our new major line 0.7.x which is completely different to the earlier versions. This is for developing and testing only. Please take a minute to give us a feedback if testing on your Wordpress weblog -- please comment on

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-03-09

Tags24 version 1.3 released

We have done the next step towards a great tag plugin for Wordpress weblogs. In this new release you're able to display a tagcloud whereever you want in your weblog. The tagcloud is created by the tag-enclosures in your postings. Read the README for further instructions or go to our homepage at

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-03-07

Adkit24 version 0.1.0 released

Adds a simple shop/adbar to your Wordpress weblog. AdKit24 provides a GUI-Management (add items to your adbar, setup, listing of all shopitems and so on) via the Wordpress dashboard.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-02-15

New project homepage

We outsourced our project homepage and proudly present now: Quietschbunt - Softwaresysteme.

for more details on our plugins.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-02-15

Tags24 version 1.2.2 released

This is out first official release of the "Tags24"-package. It makes it possible to add common Technorati-tags to a Wordpress weblog posting simply using a similar html tag. See the documentation in README file.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-02-07

WatchMyBack24 version 0.6.6 released

We finally added a lot of new "hooray job"-definitions to our Wordpress plugin and we're starting with a new minor line 0.7.0

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-01-20

WatchMyBack24 version 0.6.5 released

We updated our plugin for the Wordpress weblog system by inserting a better algorithm for prooving for "Hooray jobs" and "BBCode" inside trackbacks and comments.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2007-01-05

Recent24 version 1.10.2 released

In our WP-plugins package we released a new version of Recent24 - a function summary to display all kind of entries that are posted recently. In this version the plugin filters doubled entries in a trackback list for the get_recent_trackbacks(...) function.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2006-12-14

WatchMyBack24 version 0.6.4 released

Latest fixes to 0.6.3 and additonal BBcode-banning stuff for comments in Wordpress.

Posted by Sebastian Schwaner 2006-11-18