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File Date Author Commit
 README 2009-07-19 jkrogsboell [r7] Added README file
 alt-hashtable.typ 2009-07-19 jkrogsboell [r7] Added README file
 alt-install.sql 2009-07-19 jkrogsboell [r7] Added README file
 hashtable.typ 2009-07-19 jkrogsboell [r7] Added README file
 install.sql 2009-07-19 jkrogsboell [r7] Added README file
 test.sql 2009-07-19 jkrogsboell [r7] Added README file

Read Me

README for plsql-hashtable


When you are developing oracle object one very useful datatype is not available, that is assosiative arrays. Assosiative arrays is hashtables for oracle-plsql, but can only be used within plsql structures. Another limitation of assosiative arrays is that the index key should be either varchar2(30) or pls_integer. 
Do you find yourself programming only within plsql-packages, never with Object types, and is the structure never to be stored on the database, then stick to assositive arrays - it's native plsql and it's very fast.

Do you, on the other hand:
 1. need a hashtable in an Object type
 2. need a different index than varchar2 or pls_integer
 3. need to store the collection into the database
 4. need hashtables with multiple key types and value types
Then by all means, use this code.


Run either the install.sql or alt-install.sql file on your database schema. 
WARNING: Any object, package, procedure, function or table with the following names will be dropped: 


The object "hashtable" is initialized through the "hashtable()" constructor.

The interaction is done with these five methods:
  put(key anydata, value anydata)
  get(key anydata) return anydata
  remove(key anydata)
  exist(key anydata) return boolean
  count return number

To use a type in the hashtable, the methods "hash(key anydata)" and "equals(key1 anydata, key2 anydata)" must be modified to handle the key type. Overloaded methods to store varchar2 and number as key-value pairs has been implemented as an example. The implementation is located at the end of the hashtable body. 

USAGE: See the file "test.sql".


Conversion to anydata and extra method call's are computational expensive. A specialized version of the hashtable is much faster. The only changes that you would need to make are in the HASH_ENTRY type and the method variable types in the HASHTABLE type. Read alt-hashtable.typ to see how.


0.2 Changes:
add    : Install script
add    : Test SQL of insert
add    : Added alternative specialized hashtable as an example. Is doing fewer conversions and is faster.
rewrite: Realized that buckets was linked lists - changed type to VARRAY(100).
         Result - faster structure (should be constant access), but array doubling doesn't work anymore.
         Bucket reorder no longer needed as VARRAY retain the order of elements.
bug fix: Array not properly initialised when doing array doubling.
         Obsolete when VARRAY was introduced.
problem: Arrays doubling is not possible when using VARRAY.

0.1 Initial release:
Content: one single sql file with four types.