
Pluggable Language INTerpreter / News: Recent posts


the first word of the project name, "plotter", has changed into "pluggable", starting with the next version, probably 4.0

meanwhile, a "reference" plugin was created, so that variables passed by reference (actually casted to a <ref> type :) can be assigned to, thus indirectly modified.

exception plugin also has changed syntax, now similar to Java

plugins are now identified by a structure with callbacks.... read more

Posted by Sebastian Glita 2003-02-12

time out

I think I will take a little time out with this project, to prepare the ideas/implementation for a debugger in Tcl/Tk, GTK bindings and maybe CORBA bindings...

for now I eliminated many bugs, and it works fine.

Posted by Sebastian Glita 2003-01-16

release 2.0

greatly improved

added user type flow control=> try/throw/catch now works

each code block type can now have its own "user" data in any other code block type => no more clash between static plugin and others

online reference documentation

Posted by Sebastian Glita 2002-10-06

1.3 version

1.2 proved not so stable
there was a small bug in plint_var_dec that took me aprox. 1 week to discover;
1.3 has memory value iterators, and that changed a little the foreach and opertab plugins' syntax. opertab is now operite, because one can iterate both through arrays and hashes (for now, since other memory values are not yet supported)

Posted by Sebastian Glita 2002-08-26

stable 1.2

Within few days, I'll release a stable version 1.2
Odd minor numbers are for beta versions.
Even minor numbers are for alpha versions.
Major numbers increase when the core syntax rules will change, and for some other possible cause, not known yet.

Posted by Sebastian Glita 2002-07-02