
Plici ( / News: Recent posts

1.0.0 Stable released

PLICI 1.0.0.Stable.r.1384 released

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
You can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

This version is only a maintenance version.
To upgrade to this version go to

You can download lasted file here:

Posted by Nicolas - Simpliciweb 2009-02-19

1.0.0.RC.4 Last version before 1.0

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
You can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

Lot of bugs was fixed and some new features was added:
-New template file type(.html instead of .tpl)
-New import option
-Payment method are now in PLICITAG

More information can be found: read more

Posted by Nicolas - Simpliciweb 2008-03-26

PLICI 1.0.0.RC.3.r.582 released (stability and install)

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
You can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

And now, with the release 1.0.0.RC.1 :
- Group of website.
Can choise visibility for each page(Master, Slave or master and slave)
(sponsorized by )
- Group of website.
Defined one master and X slave. Add page and product to master to be available in slave
(sponsorized by )
- Display product discount list
sponsorised by
- Supplier management AND stock alert management
(sponsorized by )
- Associate picture to page (3 sizes available(little, medium, full))
- Add image for one page part 1
- bill prefix label
- Generate Bill if parameter is on
- Add bill prefix field
- Use setting to generate bill
- Revert JS file for pop up file
- Link to bill file
- Command change to finish state generate bill
- Move function to bill class
- Add billing management
- Detect if business informations is filling
- Add informations page to describe society(Usefull for bill generating)
- Add back to account link for special page
- Add detail design for my account page
- Add common front entry dir
- Remove pconnect connection
- Gif(animated or not) can be use for logo top
- Add business information template
- Add logo for bill
- Add business information
- Can translate page id in plici page id
- Add html2pdf tool
- change log Version 0.9.0... read more

Posted by Stephane - Simpliciweb 2007-03-12

PLICI 0.9.0 released (special payment method)

Happy new year !

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
You can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

And now, with the release 0.9.0 :
- payment method "PayPal" integrated
- not yet using mod_zip
- just one .htaccess given in the release
- no more creating directories during install
- not yet using allow_call_time_pass_reference
- not yet using safe_mode
- not yet using LOCK TABLE (just if you are using stock for products)
- correct bugs... read more

Posted by Stephane - Simpliciweb 2007-01-03

PLICI 0.8.4 released (special graphic)

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
You can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

And now, with the release 0.8.4 :
- you can manage the graphic website online.
- you can install PLICI more easily
- you can apply discounts on our products

You can download lasted file here: ... read more

Posted by Stephane - Simpliciweb 2006-10-05

PLICI 0.8.2 released

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
YOu can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

This version fix some bug in install.
Now we can use PLICI with WAMP5

You can download lasted file here:

You can see the changelog here:

Posted by Nicolas - Simpliciweb 2006-08-02

PLICI 0.8.1 released

PLICI the website's plateform.
You can create powerfull web site in few steps.
YOu can deploy and manage all your web site on unique server.
To upgrade all your web site, upgrade only the plateform.

This version correct a major install bug discovered by laclasse

You can download lasted file here:

You can see the changelog here:

Posted by Nicolas - Simpliciweb 2006-07-21

PLICI 0.8 released

PLICI is a web site plateform. Install it to manage multiple web sites easily and make an ecommerce web site in a few minutes. Your are a webagency ? It is your free solution. Written in PHP you can easy add plugin to PLICI. A powerfull solution.

The first version is available for download and SVN.
This version 0.8 can be used in production.

Main features
- Create e-commerce web site in few minute
- Develop your own template
- Integrate it easily
- Complete statistics
- Use existing plugins to increase capability... read more

Posted by Nicolas - Simpliciweb 2006-07-11