
Plex One / News: Recent posts


This project is officially on HOLD. This does not mean work will not be done on the project, it simply means it will not be done at any regular intervals. I may or may not work on the project; others are still welcome to join, and work on the project, but I currently do not have time to work on this project.

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-08-30

Java Source Uploaded

The source for the java version is now available in the CVS tree, under the java/ directory. As a side note, I'm getting close to the first actual release of Plex Messenger for Java.

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-08-07

Side-by-Side Java Development Planned

Well, I just heard about the new JDK that came out, and I'm very excited at the possibilities! Finally, a multi-platform language, multi-AF/PF language! So, in addition to QNX (which will now most likely be SLOW as heck), I'll be happily crunching Java byte code.

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-08-02


Alrighty then, QNX it is. I'm going to make PlexMsgr for QNX at first. Then, if I want to/can, I'll port it to X in BSD or Linux or what not (or someone else can, anyone know Photon _and_ X?).

Photon is really nice, and it's GUI system is amazing. QNX has an amazing architecture as well, which is why I choose QNX for the primary development platform. I don't plan to support any other platform in the future, but I will most likely port to others eventually.

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-08-02

PlexMsgr Protocol

Decided that PlexMsgr (and ultimately, Plex) will use an RPC protocol (though which RPC is unknown). Granted, PlexMsgr is a messanger, but Plex is the ultimate goal. PlexMsgr is just a primitive implementation of Plex, to get things going (yes, I work backwards; it's fun).

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-08-01

NextGen Plex

I've changed quite a bit around regarding the plexone source. Things are now a bit easier to manage, as the source is not heavily intertwined. The network functions in plex (which include data-handling as well) will also be distributed as a seperate library in the near future, when it has a bit more to contribute.

Also, if you download the current plexone source, it's most likely broken for now. It will compile, but I can't say it will work. If you would like to test it out, compile it with something like ``cc -g -O -pipe -o plex *.c'' and run it using ``./plex -a <address> -n <nick>''. If you do not specify a nickname, plex will not work. I'm working on a configuration mechanism to save nicknames and other information. If you do not specify and address, it should (but might not) default to, the loopback address.... read more

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-07-23

First Commit

I commited the current source for plexone today, take a look at it if you wish. Plex now has a curses user interface, and can send messages. There's no makefile yet, just compile all the source into one file. Use the '-h' option for usage info. I'll see what I can do about comments in the source code, there are relatively few, I realize.

Posted by Aaron Angel 2001-07-22