
Plee the Bear / News: Recent posts

Sortie de la version 0.4

Voilà un peu plus d'un an que la précédente version de Plee the Bear est sortie,
une année pendant laquelle de nombreuses améliorations ont été faites.

Du côté des grandes nouveautés immédiatement visibles, comptez deux niveaux
complets, une refonte du tutoriel, deux nouveaux ennemis, trois pouvoirs
combinables, un pouvoir d'invincibilité, des objets à ramasser, plus de
musiques, y compris pendant l'écran titre, une petite introduction de
l'histoire, un nouveau personnage, de nouvelles animations pour Plee et une
nouvelle action : il peut maintenant s'accrocher aux murs. De nombreuses
nouveautés qui, nous l'espérons, amélioreront l'expérience du jouer.... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2009-08-22

New release 0.4

One year ago, the previous version of Plee the Bear was released. One year during which a lot of improvements have been done.

New things that you can immediately see includes two new levels, a complete review of the tutorial, two new enemies, three powers that can be combined, a power of invincibility, some stuff to pick in various places in the levels, more musics, a short introduction to the story, one new character, a lot of new animations for Plee and a new action. We hope that those new elements will improve the user's experience.... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2009-08-22

New release 0.3

After three months of work, the third release of Plee the Bear is finally out, a
bit late.

This release improves the engine a little more. For the physics part, we now
have an easy-to-use system to force an item to follow a path, the collision
detection is more efficient, the friction with the grounds are better handled
and we can apply different frictions to the items in different areas of the
level.... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-07-10

Release 0.2 is out

Three months have passed since the previous release of Plee The Bear. Three
months during which we worked hard to finally arrive to this new version.

The great new thing is the coming of the level editor, named "Bear Factory".
Thanks to it, it will be a real pleasure to create the levels, as soon as we
will have some images and items to put into.

The new version of the game is not exempt of new things. For the visible part,
some new images replace the drafts of the previous version ; and we have a real
title screen :)... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-03-27

Upcoming release

Hi, readers,

After almost three months of silence, we are proud to announce the next release of Plee The Bear. This version 0.2.0 is more about the level editor than the game, but there are however some improvements of Plee The Bear, particularly in the graphism. This release should be available before the end of the week. As soon as we will have fixed the remaining little bugs.

We have uploaded a first tar.bz2 archive and ubuntu .deb file at These files are not for distribution but if you want to help us by finding bugs, feel free to download them. You will find at this adress the following files:... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-03-25

Improved demo

Less than two weeks after the first release, here comes the improved demo of your favorite game, Plee The Bear.

What's new ? For the user, a lot of little changes that will make the experience better.

The game works on x86_64 (thanks to the contributors) and Windows (thanks to nobody). We have added a menu entry for the game and renamed the executable script with a more intuitive name.

According to the comments of users, we have also reduced the speed of Plee.... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-01-13

New interface for the website

The new interface for the website is ready. Only the French page ( have been modified. The English page should be updated soon.

Unfortunately, the counter seems dead. We are searching a new (independant) solution.

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-01-09

Works on x86_64

Thanks to contributions from users, the game now compile and run on x86_64 computers. Three days after the release, this is a good news :)

Take the code via svn if you have this kind of achitecture (and d'ont forget to take libclaw via svn too).

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-01-05

First demo available

The first demo is ready. Here is the announcement :

-- Synopsis --

4 PM or so, Plee wakes up, tired. He has dreamed again about that awesome
period when he went across the entire world together with his belle. He puts
his leg in the honey pot... empty! Moreover every single honey pot in the house
is empty. "One more trick of that kid", he thinks. "I'm going to give him such
a wallop of which he sure will remember".... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2008-01-03

New release

Well, it is again a testing release but it allow us to show the progress of the project.

Visible new since the last release are :
- Plee has a "walking" animation,
- each player can ask the camera to focus him,
- when a player is outside the screen, an arrow display the direction where he is,
- Plee can walk on slopes, and his speed is adjusted according to the strength of the slope (buggy)... read more

Posted by Julien Jorge 2007-03-21

Web site update

The web site has been updated. HTML documentation of the source code of the main module has been added.

Posted by Julien Jorge 2007-01-20

Web site

Plee The bear has a web site. yeah !

Posted by Julien Jorge 2006-04-03