
plausj / News: Recent posts

Back again and did some PR

Hi folks,

some time has passed by and nothing happened with plausj so far. I apologize for that and I will get back on the project now.

In the meanwhile I moved to a new apartment, changed my primary OS from Linux to Mac OS X (Still using Linux on all servers and love it there) and made some enlisting action for the german bank check.

Some time ago I added the german bank check to ( Today I also added the german bank check to Ohloh, that nice Web 2.0 open source directory. Have a look there for the entry ( read more

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2007-05-05

We go BETA and Subversion

Yesterday I made the Tag for the beta release of bank_german. Further I moved the code related to that tag to our new subversion repository.

Appart from minor changes the code in both repositories is equal for now, but that is going to change very soon.

So update your working copies to use Subversion.



Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2007-01-31

cvs update

Hi folks,

i am glad to tell you that project is making some progress.

Logo: A friends of mine sister in law is going to contribute a selection of logo graphics for the project. As soon we have logos, we can start with some website.

Website: After some flaws with typo3 i decided to have the static website generated by maven. I will further try to get Confluence and Jira OSS licenses from Atlassian for the project. Will do that after release the alpha.... read more

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-10-18

License change

Hi folks,

some time has ran down the river and i am back here. As my first act i changed the license from BSD style to Apache V2.0 license.

My reason for doing so is the fact that the apache license is used by a whole bunch of other open source projects and is well understood in the community. The Apache V2.0 license has more information written down about it.

The freedom of the users and developers that work with plausj isn´t restricted more than in the BSD licensed days. Both license are OSI approved by the FSF.... read more

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-09-10

All unit tests have been written

Today i submitted the last from the 142 Unit tests. I already have completed 60 Strategies and will start again now implementing them.

I hope i will have some time to complete the stuff by time. After the strategies are done, i will get back on framework issues. If these are done, we will have release.


Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-07-20

Yes, its going on

I am proud to announce the completition of 50 strategies. At the moment i am sitting right on 52, its making me nuts. I guess i should have some sleep. ;-)

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-06-23

New team members, new site

It is great. Two people joined the project recently. I spent some time now overworking the website under It should be now easier for new developers to join.

Further we got an open source license of the clover tool. With that cool peace of software we are able to track progress and test coverage very well.

Hope we will have out something soon.


Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-02-08

STATE: 20 of 130 checks implemented and domain

Yes, thats the drive. Another ten check strategies
have been implemented and committed tonite.

I changed the way i work. I first code 10
strategies and afterway i calculate missing
test account codes. So i hope i have more
fun and will be faster back on infrastructure
to complete the check strategy factories.

Also I registered the domain, so we have a short named place for that great project in the internet. ... read more

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-01-17

STATE: 10 of 130 checks implemented

Tonite i managed to implement the 10th check. So there are still 120 left. Its really easy so if you want to join me, just contact the developers mailing list.

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-01-11

We see progress

Finally I completed most of the architecture. At the moment I work on the Check strategies. I have 4 out of 130 at the moment.

I still need people calculating test account codes for the unit test suite. So if you are interested please join the developers mailinglist and submit account codes and the check strategy to use there.

You can find the current check strategy definition on [GERMAN]

Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2006-01-10

I am still there

Hi folks,

i just wanted to let you know that the project is still alive and i am still there. I had very less time in the near past but i will now concentrate on making the first release.

If you like to help me and the project, just send a mail to the list.

We need help on coding, web site creation, etc.

Be right back.


Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2005-09-16

bank_german has been added

The first subproject auf plausj has been started today. bank_german is a bank account number validation library. Before completition we have to implement some infrastructure plus 116 validation checks. Lot of work, you wonder? We hope to have stable version on 1st of august. So stay tuned and rewatch or better, join development and help out.


Posted by Christian Kalkhoff 2005-06-02