
Planet Territory / News: Recent posts

Testing the Pre-Alpha version of the Server

The developing of the Pre-Alpha version of the Server is almost finnish (80% more or less).

Actually I'm testing the capacity of process the turns.

Posted by Jevi 2007-03-09

Developing a little GUI for the SERVER

I have begun to develop an easy GUI to help me to introduce the configuration parameters (technologies, vehicles, planets, players, etc).

Posted by Jevi 2006-12-16

Developing the game engine

Nowadays I'm developing the game engine.

This is the phase 1 of the Server module, and the current status is:

Server module have the capacity to add planets, Personal Details, Games to the System, and to add players, planets and elements to the Game.

Now I'm working in the treatment of the COF (Client Orders File) files.

Posted by Jevi 2005-07-26