Jussi Rautio - 2003-06-13


As our 24-hour game has shown, the game system seems to favor those players who peacefully stay within their borders and seek to avoid conflict with other players as long as possible. While I thought the game should also give some chance to aggressive solo players like myself :), I came upon a new idea, the Combat Experience system. With this system, it would give some advantage for players who choose to engage in border conflicts, or even aggressive war of conquest, early in the game.

The basic idea is that all ship crews should have an extra stat called Combat Experience. The crew would gain experience from almost anything:
* orbiting a friendly planet (very little)
* navigating in space (little)
* bombarding a planet (some)
* observing a combat (a lot)
* engaging in a combat (much)
The experience could be completely hidden, displayed with an experience class (ie 0-12), or completely displayed.

Experienced ships would shoot better (maybe about 100 rounds in battle should give the maximum advantage of 50%), have a better avoid factor (could work like an extra invisible protection field around the ship), maybe  even consume less fuel.

When a ship is scrapped, experience is lost.  Alternatively, it could be a property of the hull, and rebuilding the ship would be possible losing only some of the experience. Or maybe the experienced crew would  become teachers in the local space cadet school upon scrap, allowing the newly built ships on the planet to have some experience from the start. :) Also, rescuing or capturing a ship should reset its experience to zero.

  -Jussi Rautio, PH crew member (documentation)