
Pre-alpha version 0.2 released

Pre-alpha version 0.2 released

Every Gravitron and Player's Planet feature has been develop, even the Gravitron's shield and the pulse option for it. There's an auto-healing mechanism and a maximum health and mat that can be upgraded. A reconversion option exists that allows you to recover mat from asteroids crashing on your planet.

Graphically the game has made a big step : there's a background, and you can switch between digits or graphic for the display of the status information (health, mat, shield). You can see the shield charging by it's color changing. There's an effect when the shield is hitten by an asteroid.

Next step will be to decide how to implement the secondary weapons (see the todo-list) and to develop them. That should be a lotta fun to code and to play with.

This is where we are.

Posted by Sylvain Lano 2010-12-06

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