
Do Pixie support `Displacement` with texture file?

  • Hibou57

    Hibou57 - 2015-04-22


    A RIB file first has this:

    MakeTexture "dis.tif" "dis.tex" "periodic" "black" "gaussian" 1 1

    Then, later this:

    Attribute "displacementbound" "sphere" .05 "coordinatesystem" "object"
    Displacement "bumpy" "amplitude" .05 "texturename" "dis.tex"

    The rndr command from Pixie v2.2.6 just terminates with a 255 exit code (an error occured), without an error message. It terminates with a 0 exit code (success) if I comment‑out the Displacement query.

    I just wanted to know if I'm missing something so that Pixie can't handle it properly or if it just don't support it. I wonder, as there no error message at all, and the error is just indicated by the return code.

  • Hibou57

    Hibou57 - 2015-04-23

    This may be related to an issue I discovered later, which I explained here: .

    It's about an ambiguity in RI-spec. One may try what I did with 3Delight, which is use Km instead of amplitude, and declare it before if Pixie complains. Unfortunately, I can't try it now, as I've uninstalled Pixie since (may be back to it a future day, for other tests).


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