
64bit of pixie

mohan l
  • mohan l

    mohan l - 2009-12-16

    Hi guys, you are making great job.. If possible please keep us updated on your development of pixie. Compiling pixie for 64bit environment is difficult.. I am using ubuntu karmic 64 bit. Is it possible to make a package?

  • Eibriel

    Eibriel - 2010-03-14

    You can get it here:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gabriel-inv/pixie
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install pixie


  • mohan l

    mohan l - 2010-03-15

    thank you very much eibriel.. :)

  • Eibriel

    Eibriel - 2010-03-15

    Your welcome!
    I only hope this project don't stand by and continue growing…

  • mohan l

    mohan l - 2010-03-15

    eibriel.. one problem though..

  • Eibriel

    Eibriel - 2010-03-15

    This error pursues me :(

    I'll see that.

  • Eibriel

    Eibriel - 2010-03-17

    Well, I think is fixed on pixie-2.26-1213~ppa21

    Let my know any problem!

  • mohan l

    mohan l - 2010-03-17

    wow.. it works!!! thank you eibriel :)


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