
Parameter "strategy" not declared

  • PhilB

    PhilB - 2011-01-03

    Hi there,
    I'm trying to create an interior volume shader. When I include the following line in the RIB file:
    Attribute "shade" "strategy"

    I get the following run-time error message:
    Parameter "strategy" is not declared.

    Is this a version problem, or what?
    Thank you

  • PhilB

    PhilB - 2011-01-03

    BTW, I am using Pixie 2.2.6

  • Richard Layman

    Richard Layman - 2011-01-03

    Where are you getting "strategy" from? I can't find it in the 3.2 spec or on Pixie's Wiki. All I found was "transmissionhitmode", "diffusehitmode", "specularhitmode", and "camerahitmode" for the primitive or shader. I'm just curious want you're looking at to get this attributes because I can't find them anywhere. Granted, I'm don't really get into shader writing that much, so I could be way off on this.

    I'm using v2.2.6 too. So if you have any ribs that you can't get working post them and I can see if it's an OS or Pixie issue.

  • PhilB

    PhilB - 2011-01-03

    Hi Richard,
    thanks for your reply.
    I've got "strategy" from:

    and I'm going crazy trying to write an interior volume shader. I've posted a message two days ago with my interior shader and the calling RIB.

  • Richard Layman

    Richard Layman - 2011-01-03

    That's odd because that page was revised before the last open 3.2 spec was released and it's not in the 3.2 spec which would explain why it's not in Pixie. Let me give it a try and see what I come up with.

  • Richard Layman

    Richard Layman - 2011-01-03

    Well Pixar closed the Renderman spec after 2005, so it's possible that it was in earlier versions just not part of the spec. It might of became part of the spec after they closed it.

  • Richard Layman

    Richard Layman - 2011-01-03

    Ok, I rendered it and this is what I came up with.

    I got the same error that you did and it doesn't look anything like it should.
    I mess around with it a little more and see if there's a work around.

  • Richard Layman

    Richard Layman - 2011-01-03

    I did a little looking around and it appears that it was in prman12 which used spec 3.2, I think. But it looks like it wasn't officially part of the spec before they closed it. There's been lots of discussion on here on what to do after the spec was closed and I'm not sure what they decided; I'm not on the development team so I don't know what they're up to. I've heard stories, I don't know if they're true, of Pixar messing with with one of the Pixie developers many years ago, when their spec was open. I could just imagine how they would act since it's closed now. I don't know, I'm not into all that legal stuff, so I don't know if they could do anything. I don't even know if Okan even looks at these boards anymore.

  • PhilB

    PhilB - 2011-01-04

    Thank you Richard


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