
PitBull LX Security Utilities / News: Recent posts

Pitbull LX Linux kernel source patches available

Patches are available via CVS in this project's
"kernel-patches" tree.

Pitbull LX adds hooks to the Linux kernel
source in order to call the LX LKM. Argus
Systems Group bases its work on
kernels- these patches will reproduce the
kernel source as provided in the LX distribution-
without the hefty kernel source download.

Posted by sh00p 2001-09-26

Apache 1.3.20 patch for PitBull LX enhancements

A patch to allow Apache to utilize PitBull LX security in order to launch CGI programs in different restricted environments is now available. Please see the release notes and the patch README for additional information. It is currently retrievable via CVS.

For more information about PitBull LX please see as well as the Argus white paper at read more

Posted by Jeffrey W. Thompson 2001-09-04

New Argus Revolution Web Site Up!

A completely redesigned Argus Revolution site is up and running. It has been designed to help people get going as quickly as possible with PitBull LX on their systems.

Posted by Jeffrey W. Thompson 2001-08-31