
Tree [30f8ee] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 data 2010-09-08 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [e54512] Fixed shaders
 doc 2010-09-09 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [520d3a] Reorganized directories
 source 2010-09-10 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [30f8ee] Updated resolution
 test 2010-09-09 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [520d3a] Reorganized directories
 tool 2010-09-09 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [520d3a] Reorganized directories
 bugs 2010-06-20 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [ce633e] Added Piranha Beta 1.1 files
 copying 2010-06-20 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [ce633e] Added Piranha Beta 1.1 files
 credits 2010-06-20 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [ce633e] Added Piranha Beta 1.1 files
 readme 2010-06-20 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [ce633e] Added Piranha Beta 1.1 files
 sdl.dll 2010-06-20 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [ce633e] Added Piranha Beta 1.1 files
 todo 2010-06-20 Christophe Riccio Christophe Riccio [ce633e] Added Piranha Beta 1.1 files

Read Me


Piranha is an OpenGL demoscene developed under LGPL licence to Windows and Linux.
It is build to VC7.1, MinGW and GCC.

Beta 1.1 - 01-06-2005
- Using GTL Beta 1.2
- Fixe forgotten extensions detection.
- Fixe number of texture units detection.
- Use a new map to terrain.

Beta 1.0 - 01-03-2005
- Add camera control during pause.
- Add high qualities textures to the earth.
- Add state machine.
- Add multi rendering solution based on computer configuration.
- Add fade object.
- Add new utils features : singleton and smart pointer.
- Add the state machine.
- Add heightmap blur.
- Add plant on ground.
- Add ground colormap deformation.
- Add terrain sky.
- Add TinyXML, an XML parser.
- Add an XML parseur to terrain configuration.
- Add a log to OpenGL errors.
- Add some tunnels scenes.
- Update the scene organization.
- Update TinyXML to be include in a namespace.
- Update terrain scenes.
- Improve the title scene.
- Improve the transition between scenes "tunnel7" and "tunnel8".

Alpha 2.0 - 12-18-2004
- Add independente screen resolution rendering.
- Add memory tracker.
- Add camera.
- Add terrain redering.
- Add some OpenGL extensions support.
- Improve objects.
- Improve the GLSL shader class.
- Improve all scene rendering.
- Improve the file manager.
- Fixe memory leak.
- Fixe some bugs.

Alpha 1.0 - 12-03-2004
- Add scene manager.
- Add "Author" scene.
- Add "Title" scene.
- Add the last "Tunnel" scene.
- Add the third last scene.
- Add particle manager.
- Add "cube" system.
- Add "Stars" system.
- Add "Death Planet" system.
- Add "Explode" system.
- Add the HUD.
- Add the Window manager.
- Add a full time based system.
