
Pinoy Pup Linux OS / News: Recent posts

No-Office LuPu 5.10 now released!

Finally! a clean, no-office, all-purpose version of XLuPu 5.10 is now outfor everyone to try!

* Gnome-Mplayer is now running!
* It mounts, unmounts, shreds and connects properly
* No more G-Office, Hiawatha server and a few webapps, so that the user may configure the system to anything he or she wants
* Still no bluetooth and no automatic LAN/WLAN connection. The power to add features is in the user's hand.
* surprisingly, it's even slightly larger than the XLUPU variant. But at least, it can now fly free with complete libraries.
* Perfect as a base system, especially for Pinoy Pup Linux!... read more

Posted by ian besina 2010-08-27

Jaro National High Loves Puppy Linux

In the midst of the Philippines' Visayas Islands Inventions Contest and Exhibits, the students of Jaro National High School in Iloilo City had their attentions fixed on a puplet (Puppy Linux - based distro) called the Pinoy Pup Linux Operating System... encouraged by the robustness and usefulness of the distro, they were determined to bring home some, hack it, and study Puppy Linux to create their own for next year's competition. JNHS has finally begun its liberation process from pirated softwares!... read more

Posted by ian besina 2010-08-23

XLUPU 5.10 r1 released

XLuPu is a Puppy Linux - based distribution (puplet) which features XFCE4 as its desktop environment and window manager.

This distro contains the applications found in Puppy Linux 5.1 "Lucid Puppy", and is intended to be used in the creation of a No-Office-LuPu, which will serve as base for the next release of Pinoy Pup Linux Operating System v.6

Known bugs for XLUPU are as follows:
* powerapplet_tray is still there but it's of no use.
* XFCE Network Monitor doesn't start after installing the dependencies and all... hail blinky!
* XFCE Power Manager doesn't start
* drive_all doesn't unmount the drives
* Autodetecting of video was disabled
* It's too heavy for a PII, 128MB machine.. "Lite Editions" of Pinoy Pup Linux will have to be based on NOP 4.31... read more

Posted by ian besina 2010-08-23