
Released Version 0.6.5 to Fix Bug

Version 0.6.5

When pinging multiple hosts with a small interval value and we don't get a
response right away (or a timeout occurs) it seems to affect other pings

Ability to ping flood (i.e. spend a ping without waiting for a response beofore
sending the next ping, will use up all CPU resources)

Fixed bug in 0.6.0 where it kept saying there were no pings to graph

To Do (in no particular order):
Add more logging options (DB, CSV, etc)
Add more graphing options
Add option to stop after a specified number of pings
Add option to specify data payload
Add comments to ping class
Add comments to GUI
Add "ping server" to handle how all ping inputs and outputs to help with
multiple ping problem
Optimize how we store ping responses so it doesnt use up so much mem

Posted by mgenti 2005-10-14

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