
PiggyBook / News: Recent posts


Dear All.

PiggyBook 1.1 is now available for download.

PiggyBook is now able to maintain multiple ledgers for your various activities, and these may be open simultaneously and viewed under separate tabs in the main content area.

The help section in README.txt has been updated accordingly, but if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me in the PiggyBook forums.

I'll look forward to hearing from you soon. Cheers,... read more

Posted by David Mortimer 2009-04-05

Multiple ledger PiggyBook_1.1.0 to be released within days

Date: 03/04/2009

Dear All.

Within the next few days PiggyBook_1.1.0 will be released. This version will be able to create and maintain multiple ledgers for different aspects of your business, or for different businesses.

Many ledgers may be open at any given time, and will be organised into tabs in the main content area.

If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact me in the PiggyBook forums. (I wish someone would. I'm aweful lonely in there! :) )... read more

Posted by David Mortimer 2009-04-03

Subject: PiggyBook is stable ... simple versioning system ad

Date: 28/03/2009

Dear All.

The first stable PiggyBook for both Windows and Linux is now available. PiggyBook_1.0.0 has been tested with various inputs and has not been found to terminate unexpectedly. This version should access the same data files as your previous versions.

Also, PiggyBook releases will, from now on, bear a version number which indicates the degree of modification of the previous version. The format is #.#.# where incrementations of the leftmost number indicates a major update, with incrementations of numbers towards the right indicating changes of lesser significance.... read more

Posted by David Mortimer 2009-03-28

PiggyBook ToDo list

ToDo list

Dear All.

I have identified the following inadequacies and intend to fix them before I add any new features to PiggyBook. If you have found any, then I would be most grateful if you would post them on the PiggyBook help forum.


(1) If 'Transaction -> Delete' is chosen without first selecting a row or cell on the main list of transactions, then the program will terminate but no data will be lost. Although this is annoying it is quite harmless.... read more

Posted by David Mortimer 2009-03-26