
Piece_Flow / News: Recent posts

Piece_Flow 1.16.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a web flow engine and continuation server.

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.16.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.16.0

* Enhanced interfaces: getActiveFlowExecutionTicket() has been added to the Piece_Flow_Continuation_Service class. It can be used to get the flow execution ticket for the active flow execution. And also isViewState() has been added to the Piece_Flow class. It can be used to get whether the current state of a flow execution is a view state or not.
* Improved error handling: The behavior of internal error handling has been changed so as to handle only own and "exception" level errors.
* A defect fix: A defect that the outer frame of an already removed flow execution to be created by garbage collection has been fixed.... read more

Posted by iteman 2008-07-28

Piece_Flow 1.15.1 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a web flow engine and a continuation server.

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.15.1 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.15.1

* Two defect fixes: A defect that caused a PIECE_FLOW_ERROR_FLOW_ID_NOT_GIVEN exception to be raised when being accessed an expired flow execution after sweeping it by the garbage collection has been fixed. And a defect that caused an undefined index notice to be raised if the action instances of the current context do not exist has been fixed.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-11-26

Piece_Flow 1.15.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a web flow engine and a continuation server.

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.15.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.15.0

* New configuration system: A new configuration system using a directory where flow definition files exist and an extension of flow definition files has been supported. And the configuration system supports layered structure by using underscores in flow names as directory separators.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-11-13

Piece_Flow 1.14.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a web flow engine and a continuation server.

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.14.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.14.0

* Two new interfaces for the continuation server: Two new interfaces for the continuation server have been available. One is Piece_Flow_Continuation_Service. The other is Piece_Flow_Continuation_Server. Piece_Flow_Continuation_Service is a service class which provides simple interfaces to access attributes of the active flow object and to get some information from flow executions. Users should use this class instead of Piece_Flow_Continuation from this release forward. Piece_Flow_Continuation_Server is a class which just provides the features for the continuation server only. Framework developers should use this class instead of Piece_Flow_Continuation from this release forward. Besides, Piece_Flow_Continuation has been deprecated.
* A Defect Fix: A defect that caused the same cache to be used if the relative paths of the flow definition files are same even though the absolute paths of the files are different has been fixed.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-09-28

Piece_Flow 1.13.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM).

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.13.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.13.0

* Piece_Flow_Continuation::checkLastEvent(): This method can be used to check whether the last event which is given by a user is valid or not. And this method always return true if the continuation has not activated yet or just started.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-08-26

Piece_Flow 1.12.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM).

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.12.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.12.0

* The target of the garbage collection changed: The target of the garbage collection has been changed from all flow executions to only non-exclusive flow executions.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-08-17

Piece_Flow 1.11.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM).

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.11.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.11.0

* Garbage Collection: The garbage collection can be used for sweeping expired flow executions.
* Environment settings: A flow definition file is always read when the current environment is not production.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-08-14

Piece_Flow 1.10.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM).

Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.10.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.10.0

* Runtime Validation of Flow Definition: A flow definition is validated when it is loaded.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-07-02

Piece_Flow 1.9.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.9.0 :::::

A new release of Piece_Flow is now available.

What's New in Piece_Flow 1.9.0

* Plain Old PHP Object Support: A user-defined class can be used as an action without subclassing Piece_Flow_Action.... read more

Posted by iteman 2007-05-28

Piece_Flow 1.8.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.8.0 :::::

This release includes a feature named "Action Continuation" and several enhancements.

"Action Continuation" is a very important feature for developers. This feature will allow developers to write stateful action code via the properties without using flow attributes. This means that the programming be nearer natural continuation programming, although it is limited the scope in the action.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-12-20

Piece_Flow 1.7.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high security for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.7.0 :::::

This release includes a security fix for a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability and a minor fix in the continuation server, and a few enhancements. See the following release notes for details.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-11-17

Piece_Flow 1.6.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.6.0 :::::

This is the first release with the new PEAR Channel Server

This release includes a minor enhancement of Piece_Flow_Continuation class. See the following release notes for details.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-10-16

Piece_Flow 1.5.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.5.0 :::::

This release includes an enhancement and breaks backward compatibility as follows:

<<< Enhancements >>>

- Introduced Piece_Flow_Action as the base class for Piece_Flow actions.
- Changed the interface of Piece_Flow actions so as to call setFlow(), setPayload(), and setEvent() methods for passing a Piece_Flow object, a payload, and the event name to an action instead of by the arguments of invoke() method.
- The original Piece_Flow_Action class has been renamed as Piece_Flow_Action_Invoker.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-08-15

Piece_Flow 1.4.1 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.4.1 :::::

This release includes two defect fixes and an enhancement as follows:

<<< Defect fixes >>>

- Removed wrong error handling which disables the current callback.
- Removed '@' operator from include_once.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-28

Piece_Flow 1.4.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.4.0 :::::

This release includes a few enhancements as follows:

<<< Enhancements >>>

* Piece_Flow_Action
- Adjusted to changes in Stagehand_FSM package.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-22

Piece_Flow 1.3.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

::::: Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.3.0 :::::

This release includes a few enhancements as follows:

<<< Enhancements >>>

* Piece_Flow_Action
- Added support for raising an exception when an invalid event is returned from actions.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-17

Piece_Flow 1.2.1 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

* Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.2.1

- Fixed the wrong version number of Stagehand_FSM package from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0.

* Installation

** Installation from a PEAR channel (requires PEAR 1.4.3 or newer)... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-12

Piece_Flow 1.2.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

* Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.2.0

This release includes a few enhancements and fixing two problems as follows:


* Piece_Flow
- Added support to prevent configuring protected events and states.
- Added error handling for failure to invoke actions.... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-12

Piece_Flow 1.1.1 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

* Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.1.1

This is a bug fix release.

- Fixed the problem that relative path cannot be used as the cache directory and action cirectory with Solaris.

* Installation

** Installation from a PEAR channel (requires PEAR 1.4.3 or newer)... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-07

Piece_Flow 1.1.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

* Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.1.0

- Piece/Flow.php: Added removeAttribute()/clearAttributs() for removing attributes from flows.

* Installation

** Installation from a PEAR channel (requires PEAR 1.4.3 or newer)... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-07-03

Piece_Flow 1.0.0 (stable) released

Piece_Flow is a generic web flow engine and a continuation server based on Finite State Machine(FSM). Piece_Flow provides a stateful programming model for developers, and high secrity for applications.

* Release notes for Piece_Flow 1.0.0

The first stable release of Piece_Flow.

* Installation

** Installation from a PEAR channel (requires PEAR 1.4.3 or newer)

This release can be installed directly using a PEAR channel
First, add the channel to your PEAR install:... read more

Posted by iteman 2006-06-20