
Picfinity / News: Recent posts

Random update and call for themers

Well, I've started work on a jQuery based theme, and things are slowly coming along, nothing to show let though, mainly because I'm not a designer and thus have no idea how it should look to make it pleasing on the eyes :(

I should be releasing some form of update over the next few days, although it won't be a complete and fully functional design.

Because of my lack of design I'm also putting out a request for anyone that would be interested it producing a theme to go ahead and do so. If you don't want to do the whole theme I'd be happy to accept a design and implement myself (giving you credit too of course). The best thing to do would be to contact me on here or to post something to the 'patches' tracker.... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-09-07

'We can all talk' release (0.11)

Yep, another release is out.

As well as Firefox being able to post comments, IE6/7 can, and Opera, Safari and Konqueror.

All feature requests are closed now, so I'm going to be thinking what else could be added as well as starting to plan a jQuery based theme.

Also some stats news, picfinity has been viewed nearly 2000 times as well as being downloaded nearly 50 times :-)

Thanks to everyone that's been downloading it and testing it out, I just hope it's something that you'd think of using once it's fully stable and feature complete.... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-09-02

'I can talk' release (0.10)

Like I said, a new release this weekend.

Version 0.10 includes initial comment support. Currently working in IE7, Safari 3, Firefox and Opera, although IE7 and Opera have a few bugs (see release notes).

These will be fixed in the next release, and then I'm going to try and start working on some other nice themes with a bit more colour, and possible have a look at using jQuery/mootools/prototype of something similar. This should decrease the size of the theme JS as well, I noticed that the new DB theme JS is about 28k, which is massive. This could be compressed a lot, but hopefully using a framework will give a smaller size and also look nicer and be better supported.... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-08-25

Slight delay

Sorry about the delay in getting a new release done at the moment, real life has been around for the last week, although I should be working on things this weekend. I've not been completely idle though, I've been jotting ideas and I've got a fairly good idea of how the comments are going to work for the first theme and it's even kind of working on my site, even though there's no way to add a new comment without editing the DB manually :-)... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-08-23

The 'almost-there' release (0.04)

Yes, I missed 0.03 (well, the news post for it anyway).

0.04 is nearly working with all the major browsers now (IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera 9, Safari 3 (for Windows, I don't have a Mac to test in OSX) and Konqueror).

The only slight bug I can see is IE doesn't like the positioning of the themes box, and I'm not sure why.

The only thing that's missing that I'd like is the icons and left aligned text on the drop downs (I removed them from view when I created the new suckerfish drop down).... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-08-16

New release (0.02)

I uploaded a new release yesterday. Not too many changes, but does work a bit better in IE and Safari now, although only by using the passed in IDs and not the javascript, this is still being worked on.


Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-08-13

Initial release (0.01)

The initial packaged release has been uploaded and should now be downloadable.

As the release notes mention, there are many bugs still visible and issues with some browsers when using the default themes.

However, this hopefully marks the point where I think the code is 'good enough' for any one who would like to start making their own themes. The XML is unlikely to change too much unless people ask for extra things to be added to it.... read more

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-08-09

Initial setup

Well, looks like SVN is working. Done the initial import (and a few updates since then).

Working on trying to get the current default theme working in IE and Safari but hit a few problems with XMl DOM in the JS. Safari seems to not like a xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName and IE (6) gets a bit further, but doesn't like most of the CSS or the treeWalkers.

If you try out this on your own server please let me know. You can join me on in #picfinity.

Posted by Andrew Smith 2007-07-19